Chapter 126-130

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Chapter 126

Xue Luo's original intention was not to cause trouble. She knew that the people present were not that ordinary. She also chose to avoid this stupid lady. But if others bully her to the extreme, if she doesn't return the favor, wouldn't it be inconsistent with her style?

So even if it is a verbal lawsuit, she will never admit defeat.

Jessica did not expect that Xue Luo was not only good at embroidery, but also had other talents. And this mouth is really unusually sharp.

Now she finally knew where Mingyu lost. Mingyu's simple-minded appearance, it's strange that he has a chance of winning against such a woman.

It seems that things are not as easy as I thought.

She looked at Xue Luo, suddenly raised her lips and smiled at her, then walked down the steps and walked out proudly under the eyes of everyone.

Hu Lai looked at her back and sighed: "Although she is usually arrogant, she is not as aggressive as today. I don't know what happened." He was also very unhappy with Jessica's behavior today.

Not to mention nonsense, even Xue Luo is very confused. No matter how famous she is, she usually keeps a low profile. Why did she suddenly provoke such a person?

On the way back, Li Mingzhu told her that this Jessica turned out to be Li Mingyu's teacher.

"Lin Suxin put a lot of thought into sending Li Mingyu to her, but it's also strange that Jessica and Li Mingyu's master-disciple relationship is not good, but this time she would stand up for Li Mingyu." She smiled again. : "Speaking of which, you surprised me. How did you learn guzheng? You can actually do this kind of thing, Xue Luo, what else can't you do?" Now even she couldn't help but bring the guzheng with her. Feeling a bit envious and jealous.

Jiang Hao drove the car and looked ahead. Hearing this, he also glanced through the rearview mirror, obviously wanting to know the answer.

Xue Luo smiled and said, "Actually, I know such a tune, and it is also used to fool people."

"Liar, even if I am a layman, I can still hear that this is not a charm that a novice can play. "Li Mingzhu pursed her lips and looked at her, looked her up and down, and then thought about it: "Now it seems that you are proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, you can also embroider, and you can cook. If this wasn't a new society, I would I really think you are a lady living in ancient times."

"Where," Xue Luo said quickly: "I just came from the countryside and learned a few crafts. Don't be sour to me."

Li Mingzhu pouted. Said: "I'm not hurting you, I'm telling the truth. I think that Jessica is not as versatile as you. Next time if she makes things difficult for you again, use your calligraphy to write "traitor" Give her a word."

"Pfft." Xue Luo couldn't help laughing. "Okay, I guess there will be very few opportunities to meet her in the future, and there will be no more involvement. And I don't want to face her again in city B. I just want to settle things in the factory as soon as possible. Come down and go back to the provincial capital as soon as possible."

Li Mingzhu sighed, "I want you to stay for a while."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao subconsciously tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

When I got home, it was already afternoon.

Xue Luo pushed the door open and saw her mother-in-law listening to a play in the yard with her child in her arms. Li Gaoshan was worried that his mother would not be used to living here, so he deliberately bought her a radio and let her use it in the yard.

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