Chapter 76-80

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Chapter 76

Xue Luo knew that the current national policy gave very preferential treatment to the south. Many business people went there. If she hadn't wanted to go through so much trouble, she might have gone there too. Now that Xie Kai is willing to go, she naturally supports it. After all, no one thinks his business is too big.

Of course, at this time, it is also necessary to win over people's hearts.

She looked at Xie Kai with praise on her face, "Your plan is good, it will be very beneficial to our factory's competition in the south. I really didn't misjudge the person at the beginning, Xie Kai, you are a talent."

For Xue Luo to be so straightforward Xie Kai's face turned red with joy at Bai's compliment, "

Mr. Luo shook her head and said seriously: "I believe in your ability, but you don't have to put so much pressure on yourself. If you can win the market in the south, I will give you a share of it, which will be counted as your previous dividends. Outside."

"Give me a little more share?" Xie Kai opened his eyes wide in surprise and thought to himself, "Hey, my wife is not married yet, and she can't spend all the money she earns every month."

"The more you do, the more you will get. If you do more, I will naturally give you a bigger share. As long as you earn money honestly and honestly, you deserve it. As for those who are heresy, even if they get it, they have to spit it out. You Say yes."

Her words could be considered a bit of a knock. Give me a sweet date first, and then give me a warning. In case the mountain is high and the emperor is far away, it would be bad if you have other thoughts.

Although Xie Kai is a ghost, he really doesn't understand Xue Luo's thoughts. Listening to these words, he remembered the things he had done before. Xindao didn't make much money after doing all those bad things, and he almost ended up in the police. Now I am making good money. Not only do I have a good time, but I also make more and more money.

He nodded solemnly, "

Mr. I really don't see any changes.

She smiled with satisfaction and said: "Okay, remember to call here when you go over there. If you encounter any difficulties, don't carry it alone. Jinxiu will always have your backing." She

could hear the boss say before going out . With these words, Xie Kai instantly felt emboldened. "Don't worry, Mr. Xue, I will definitely complete the task."

When he was leaving the door, he met Yuan Xiaozhen coming upstairs.

Seeing the little girl's blushing face, Xie Kai immediately thought of joking, ran over, reached out and pulled Yuan Xiaozhen's ponytail.

"What are you doing!" Yuan Xiaozhen glared at him. Seeing Xie Kai's face full of smiles, she squinted her eyes and said, "What benefits have you gained from this? You are so happy."

Xie Kai said with a smile, "Of course you are happy. Mr. Xue asked you to follow me to the south to run the market. Hahaha, you will follow me from now on."

When Yuan Xiaozhen heard this, she immediately became anxious, "How is it possible? I am following Teacher Li, how is it possible? Follow you to the south." She said and immediately pushed Xie Kai away and prepared to go to Xue Luo's office.

Seeing her like this, Xie Kai quickly stopped him and said, "Hey, don't worry, why don't you follow me to the south? I'll give you food and accommodation, okay?"

"Bah, you gangster!" Yuan Xiaozhen glared at him , went directly to Xue Luo's office.

Looking at Yuan Xiaozhen's angry back, Xie Kai touched his head and said with confusion on his face: "Where did I become a gangster?"

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