Chapter 51-55

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Chapter 51

After Li Mingzhu finished speaking, there was a longing light in her eyes. "Master Xue, I hope you can help me embroider the best patterns."

Xue Luo said nothing, just pursed her lips and looked at the clothes seriously.

I have to say that the design of this dress is very good, the lines are smooth and flowing, and it is not far behind the inner palace manufacturing in the palace back then.

"When do you want these clothes?"

"Two months at the latest."

Two months? Xue Luo thought about it carefully and felt that this time was enough, but she still needed to think about this trick.

She nodded, "Okay, I'll do my best."

Li Mingzhu didn't want these clothes to be exposed in advance, so the two agreed that the embroidery work would be done in this studio, and the time would be arranged by Xue Luo herself, but it must be completed in two months. .

After returning home, Xue Luo began to study the patterns on the clothes designed by Li Mingzhu.

She always pays attention to perfection when doing things, and coupled with the cooperative relationship she has reached with Li Mingzhu, naturally she cannot just perfunctory things.

When Sun Laixiang saw her going to her room to work as soon as she got home, she would inevitably say something long-winded, "You've been working so hard all day long, but it's not good for the children. They should rest more."

"Mom, I'm so tired of you . You have been raised fat and fat, how can you still be so delicate?" He wears a lot of clothes but never wears them.

Sure enough, when Sun Laixiang heard this, she suddenly smiled and changed the topic, "That's because, back then, Gao Shan's grandma didn't take care of me so meticulously."

"Then I'm lucky to have found such a good person . Mother-in-law." Xue Luo smiled and covered her stomach, "Mom, I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat?"

When Sun Laixiang heard that she was hungry, she immediately smiled and said, "Yes, there is soup stewed in the kitchen. I Go get some for you."

After saying that, he quickly turned around and went to the kitchen to get some soup.

When Sun Laixiang went out, Xue Luo breathed a sigh of relief and put everything away. She couldn't let her mother-in-law know that she had taken another job now, or else she would be told again.

When Li Gaoshan came back in the evening, Xue Luo told him about taking over Li Mingzhu's job.

Although I know that Li Gaoshan will definitely be unhappy, if I don't explain it clearly now, I won't be able to explain it clearly when I'm often away from home during the day, so I might as well explain it openly.

Sure enough, after Li Gaoshan learned about this, his face showed some disapproval.

"You have finally recovered well, and now you have to take on this nerve-wracking job. Not only my side, not even Mom will agree."

"I knew Mom wouldn't agree, so I asked you to help . We hid it all together. Think about it, I made a promise to others before, and if I suddenly regret it, they won't know how to blame me. We are businessmen now, and we can't break our promises. Besides, I'm not like this I know it very well, and my child is very well-behaved, so I only need to embroider for a few hours every day, and it doesn't take much trouble."

Xue Luo explained in a leisurely manner.

Although Li Gaoshan was reluctant for his wife to take on these jobs, he still felt that people should be trustworthy. He nodded, "You can go, but it can't exceed three hours a day. I will send you there then and pick you up."

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