Chapter 4

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“Hey, where are you;” Kelly asked when I picked up the phone.
“I came at the airport to pick up Dylan” I said while I was trying to spot him in the crowd  tip toeing in my heels and lifting up my head.
“Oh my god I forgot he was coming today, where are we going tonight?”
“I dont know Kelly we will talk about it when I get home okay?” I said harrying to hang up because it was making spotting him a lot more difficult.
“Okay see you!” she said before she hang up.
Dylan was our cousin, he lives in Greece the last 3 years but he is visiting us at least twice a year. He is a good guy and really joyfull and adventurous. Too much for his own good and thats why he is getting on my nerves most of the time. Kelly loves that guy, they are the most chaotic duo which leaves me,  trying to hold them back and clean up their mess every time. At least my parents are out of toen for this weekend so I will handle them better.
I think.  
Where the hell is he?
I turn to look the other way and then I hear a shout. “Grace! Here” I finally spot him waving his hand and starting running into my direction.
I swear to god if he makes me fall down...
He propably saw my look of terror and slowed down at the last second and threw his arms around me squeezing me extremely tightly almost lifting me up. 
Don’t think about you clothes getting wrinkled.
“ How is queen Grace doing?” He said giving me a last squeeze before letting go.
“I was great but now I think that I have a broken rib and ruined clothes” I said not as much upset as I sounded.
“oops sorry” He said smiling and giving me puppy eyes.
I smiled a little and asked him about his news while we were walking towards the exit. He stopped outside of the cafeteria and looked inside.
“Can I go in real quick and buy a cup of coffee?” He asked looking like a kid asking for a stuffed toy. Great now I have to wait another 20 minutes.
“ Yes but make it quick please because this heels are killing me” They didn’t really, I wear them all the time I just needed an excuse to make him hurry and get out of here. I wanted a bath and new clothes because I am sure  I have gathered all of the vacteria from the public seats.
I looked around and tried to move out of the way so people would stop bumping on me.  Suddenly I saw two kids in front of me holding two water guns.  Why are they carrying a water gun to the airport in the first place?
And where were their parents?
Oh hell no.
Before I could react I was soaked from head to toe with water.
Colored water.
On my white dress.
I will kill them.

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