Chapter 11

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I knock on my sisters door after I leave Dylan in the kitchen hating that she is upset with me.
“Come in” She says in a sweet voice.
Maybe she doesn’t hate me.
I open her bedroom door and I see her lying on her bed holding a pillow in her arms. I close the door and sit close to her in her bed. Kelly’s bedroom is white with yellow details and a lot of flowers reflecting her personality perfectly while mine is more classical and minimal.
We are polar opposites but I wouldn’t want anyone else as my sister.
“ I am really sorry” Kelly says to me with a sad face.
“I don’t need you to apologise to me Kelly.” I say exhaling a breath.
“ Just promise me that you will take better care of yourself and that you are not going to put yourself in danger .”
“I promise “ She says her mouth uplifting.
“And you are going to tell me before you go anywhere”
“ Mhm” She nods reassuringly.
I hug my sister tightly whispering I love you in her ear.
She whispers it to me back.
I decide not to bring up aunts Leila’s health not knowing if Dylan had talk to Kelly yet even though its still swirling in my head making me nauseous.
“ Soo..” She says her eyes flashing with mischievousness.
I feel myself stiffen not liking when she has that look in her eyes.
“ Who was that hot man that was helping you yesterday?”
I am actually surprised because she was so out of it yesterday due to the alcohol how can she remember this clearly .
“ What you thought because I was puking I wouldn’t notice him?”
“Isn’t that a logical assumption to make?” I say sitting up and starting folding a pile of clothes on her desk chair.
This girl is so messy it drives me insane.
“ No, No, no cleaning right now you are answering to me first.” She grabs my writs gently guiding me back to her bed.
“Astor Jamestone.”  I say exhaling trying to go back to cleaning her room but she still holds me tightly.
Her mouth drops.
Dear God.
“ Omg!” She shrills not knowing if she is excited or terrified.
“ Grace do you know what’s going to happen if dad’s finds out that this is happening?”
I could not care less about my fathers opinion in any subject.
And besides nothing is officially happening here so I will leave it at that.
“ Father won’t find out because nothing is happening and besides I am an adult he has no say in my personal life.”  I say to her with a strict voice.
I know he has power over me.
But I choose to ignore it.
« Do you like him?»
God, no.
Like is such a miserable statement.
It’s even less than wanting someone. There are so many rich adjectives and verbs that you can describe your feelings towards a person.
« No but this does not matter anyway» I stand up heading towards the door.
« I have to get ready, I want to go get a pair of heels that I have been eyeing the last month» and considering that I am still in my nightgown and my robe this is going to take a while.
« Don’t go thinking that this conversation is over» She says a playfully smile playing at her lips.
I shut the door and head towards my bedroom.

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