chapter 8

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"What?" I look at him confused. I cannot leave the house like this. And the smell of vomit is still lingering, twisting my insides. I can't leave that smell in the house for a second more.

"I'll call for help" He says while he is reaching to his pocket to find his phone "You will go get dressed and we will have the dinner that we talked about". I look at him in awe and he states at me like he is trying to read me.

The questions about him are flooding me but I force them down just for tonight because I desperately need to get out of here.

I never questioned when my obsession with being clean and organised started, I feel like it has always been with me. I definitely know the roots of it though. My parents always wanted everything and everyone surrounding them to be perfect, they always pressured us in every aspect of our life's about school, college, our love life ,our clothing. There are only two ways that this pressure can affect a humans personality. One is making them an anxious adult that needs everything to be perfect in order to feel good with herself which is what happened to me and the other is the exact opposite which is Kelly.

I don't know which one is the worst

"Who are you going to call for help? And when exactly did I agree to this date?" I ask him silently hoping he won't take his offer back.

Shut up Grace.

He exhales and looks into my eyes with a look that says I have a lot of patience. We will see about that.

"That is something that should only concern me. And I thought you didn't come to our "date" as you characterised it because of the party"

" I am now doubting your ability to read because you obviously did not see the first reason of why I wouldn't attend in the first place" I state leaning my back to the wall and looking at him.

"I am perfectly capable to read I assure you, I just don't tend to focus on untrue reasoning behind a decision" He smiles a little.

I glare at him and I begin to speak but he cuts me of.

"Will you go get dressed or should I cancel the cleaning team?"

"Are you blackmailing me?" I say angry.

"I am not blackmailing anyone. I am just mentioning the options that you have, you could always spent the night cleaning vomit with me or by yourself, I will be happy to oblige."

He is an asshole.

"Fine, I am going to get dressed but only because I prefer to eat and drink wine while tolerating you instead of cleaning vomit" I say and head upstairs.

He doesn't say anything but I catch his smile before I turn.


I wore a plain silk black dress that ends a little bit above the knee and is backless. I walked down the stairs my phone in my hand and I see 3 people with uniforms and cleaning supplies already starting cleaning the mess.

Thank god.

Astor lifts his gaze and his grin brightens his forest green eyes, magnificent.

"You look captivating"

"Is it fitting for the place that we are meant to go or should I change?" I ask not wanting to be over or under dressed.

"You can never be overdressed or overeducated"

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