Claiming Them Back (1/3)

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A handsome yet muscular man was gazing over the file in his hands with full concentration making the tall yet leaner boy more nervous

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A handsome yet muscular man was gazing over the file in his hands with full concentration making the tall yet leaner boy more nervous. The boy lick his plump lips staring at the stoic faced human bunny infront who was making his heart beat faster than the bullet train. Finally the man look up with his glasses resting on his nose bridge making him damn good looking.
"You can join as my secretary for time soon Mr.Min return you will be fired automatically.....Mr.Kim" - said the boss with his cold face and deep voice making the boy gulp but smile widely displaying his full teeth.
"Thank you so much Mr.Jeon.....i promise I won't disappoint you don't know how much I needed this are an angel in human form" - he said excitedly making Mr.Jeon frown because he find his voice shrill as of some women's. Mr.Kim blinked his eyes confusingly feeling his hands sweating because of his intense stares.
"When can I join the office?" - he asked in deep and low voice this time making Mr.Jeon snapped out of his world and moved the pile of files towards him.
"From now" - he said making the boy node and take the files carefully maintaining a straight posture which Mr.Jeon found weird but shrugged it off as soon he leave his sight.

The boy come out of cabin and took a deep breath wiping the sweat from his forehead.
"I was so close" - he sighed heavily and get lost in his thoughts.


A beautiful,tall and curvey body girl was standing infront of mirror lost in deep thoughts when a slightly smaller yet cute girl come there with a worry laced face and place hand on her shoulder

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A beautiful,tall and curvey body girl was standing infront of mirror lost in deep thoughts when a slightly smaller yet cute girl come there with a worry laced face and place hand on her shoulder.
"Are you sure tae? can be in huge trouble if he finds out your real identity.....plz don't take this risk we can seek help from law" - she said concerned for her soulmate taking her out of her thoughts.
"No Chim......for him I can go to any extent even if it's means also know how law works here....the one with power and money make laws not follow's my last chance to take what belongs to me and I won't change my mind now......did you talk to hyung about my fake CV....what he said? it possible to infiltrate Jeon Corporation?.....why are you silent say something" - she said with frown eyebrows looking hella tensed like if it didn't happen then she will loose her life.
"Calm down..... everything is done on his end....he already made a believable excuse to for a long leave so that you can take his place as HIS secretary" - she said and held her hands calming her a little bit.
"Help me cut my hairs.....make sure it looks like a boy hmmm .....hurry we have to do so many things" - she said moving to mirror hastily making her best friend worried.
"Are you sure tae? love your hairs so much how can you_" - she was cut off by an angry tiger infront.
"Not more important than him" - she said in dominating voice making her gulp and help her shorten her hairs completely.
"Wear this too.....this moustache will help you hide this flawless skin of yours" - she said making tae node and stick it to her upper lips after getting dressed into a decent suit looking so handsome.
"Woah taetae you looks damn handsome in this outfit with these short hairs and fake moustache......if I didn't know the truth I would have hit on you" - she said winking at her making her chuckle and flicker her forehead.
"Stop this rubbish jimina and wish me luck.....this is the biggest battle of my life and I have to win it.....or else" - she stopped feeling tears in her eyes with a heavy heart making jimina hug her to encourage her.
"You will win for sure because you are right here hmmm..... don't feel low or demotivated....we are with you" - she said patting her back and caressing her hairs making her hug her back tightly.
"Thank you for always supporting me everything without any are world's best treasure I can afford" - she said with emotional voice making Jimina roll her eyes and back away.
"Yah stop buttering me I still remember that flicker should be saying sorry instead" - she said to lighten her mood making tae scoff and check herself in mirror once again.
"I am indeed handsome" - she said with a smirk praising her looks shamelessly.
"You have no modesty Kim Taehyungie" - she said with frowned face which tae ignored completely.
Flashback End

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