LOVE AFFAIR between Married Man & Signal Mother

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YouTube channel BunnysCub
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In a small nicely furnished apartment located in local area of Busan, a young handsome man was making breakfast in kitchen.
"Why I got married at first place? do house chores,cook for her family Arghhh...what type of wife is she?...never let me rest nor take care of me.....always ordering like I am her servant....why god why you made my life like youth is getting wasted by her...... what's the point of such looks when it has no effects on this poor man or else he will die" - he wailed sniffing his tears moving his hands automatically like he got trained for years to do this.
"WILL YOU BRING BREAKFAST?.....HOW MUCH TIME YOU NEED MORE TILL NIGHT" - a shout heard from dinning making the man wipe his tears and cleared his throat to sound normal.
"COMING HONEY" - he shouted back making her groan and come in kitchen herself making him gulp.
"Why you shouting then? think us deaf?.... what are you trying to implement Jeon Jungkook" - she asked with blazing eyes placing hands around waist making kook wipe his hands on apron and went to her.
Kook: "Not at all honey.....I just shout so that you don't have to ask again..... don't be angry huh" - he said softly and scaredly trying to calm her. He moved to hold her hands but she stopped him.
"I am ignoring it for now next time behave.....what are you waiting for go and set the table fastly" - she said angrily making kook gulp and run to kitchen taking food in pots.
"Hobia don't be so cruel to him.....see he loves you so much to do everything for you" - his mother in law said with a smile on her face making kook groan.
Kook: "If she knows it then why don't help me.....whole family is pretender....god knows how I get stuck with them.....if not for my apartment on her name then I would have kicked them long ago" - he said in low voice taking out his frustration of whole two years making hobi clear her throat.
Hobi: "If you are done talking with yourself then use your hands....let's go eomma" - she said making her smile sadly and went to dinning room.
"Yah namjooni! I told you to not touch know it's my favorite break it now what should I do with you huh?" - she said holding his collar making him gulp hardly.
Namjoon: "I was just watering it's not my fault plz leave me.....see kids are watching" - he said with pleading face making her roll her eyes and leave him.
Jin: "I will see you in room.....what are you both watching eat your food" - she said glaring her son and daughter in law making them look down instantly.
Kook: "Here jimina!....your food" - he said sweetly making her smile back and take her food.
"I am here brother in law ..... don't you dare hit on my wife or else I will break your coconut head" - said her husband fuming in anger making kook gulp and went to his wife.
Jimin: "Calm down yooni.....he didn't mean anything wrong eat your breakfast and relax" - she said caressing his cheeks softly making yoongi smile and forget his anger for time being.
Hobi: "Where are you sitting?.... don't you have office? want to get late.....go and get ready this time I don't want less salary because of your excuses" - she said sternly making kook pout sadly. He looked at his in laws but they all ignored him like he never existed.
Kook: "Ok then enjoy your food" - he said with a fake smile and run upstairs to get ready for office. He come downstairs and find everyone scattered in hall. Namjoon reading his book,yoonmin being lovey dovey,Jin watching her show while hobi talking on her phone.
Kook: "What sin I commit to get them as my family?....I was happy alone" - he mumbled to himself and went to dinning room to see if anything left but everything was finished.
Kook: "They are pigs in reality didn't even left a single bite for how I will work empty stomach" - he was talking to himself when hobi called him making him plaster a smile on his face and went to her.
Kook: "Yes honey you called" - he asked sweetly making her roll her eyes and give him some money from her purse.
Kook: "You are so sweet honey....I was thinking to ask you for money to" - he was cut off in between by hobi.
Hobi: "Bring groceries and other necessary's been so long you went is the list don't forget anything or else sleep in living room" - she said making kook shake his head and take list from her brushing his hand with her. She immediately pull her hand back making kook pout because she never let him touch her even once after their marriage. Kook wants to proceed things why not she is so beautiful but she rejects him everytime.
Kook: "Good day everyone.....see you in evening" - he said waving at them but they were busy in their work so he left. As he open the door a cute boy came running to him and hug his legs making him chuckle.
"Goo Mornin kookie" - he said cutely making kook crouched to his level and clean his face with napkin.
Kook: "Good Morning mochi baby.....what are you doing outside early morning hmmm?.....did you have breakfast" - he asked dusting his clothes making him pout and shook his head.
"I was playin with flober" - he said showing kook garden's condition. He destroyed all flower pots making kook face palm.
Kook: "You increase my work why baby?" - he groaned making the boy hug him and kiss his cheeks.
"Sorry kookie" - he said sweetly leaving no option for kook than forgiving him.
Kook: "Ok but don't do it next go and ask your eomma to feed you something.....or else your big cute tummy will disappear" - he said jokingly and open door for him as he can't himself.
"Bye bye kookie....brin tochlates for mini" - he said waving his hand making kook node and disappear from his sight.

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