Chapter - 2

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Three years ago.............

"Busan University"

A  female omega who was around 45years old was teaching dance to both male and female omegas. While she was correcting one's posture she was distracted by a voice "may I come in mam?", she took a look at the entrance and saw Jimin who was panting hard , as he came running all the way .

"No, Just get out Jimin", said the elderly omega in a stern tone.

"Mam please , please Just time excuse me, I reached half way and remembered that I forgot my dancing shoes at home, I got late because I went back to get it", explained Jimin hoping she would allow him.

The older omega signed and said ,"Jimin it's important to have rhythm not shoes , I said earlier also you don't have that and you are wasting your time and money here" .

Hearing her words Jimin felt sad and left from there and went to the university cafeteria and texted his best friend Taehyung , who was studying Modeling in the same university , while was studying computer science .

Him and Tae were childhood besties , met in the primary. Since then  both were inseparable attended same high school and now same university. There were on cloud nine when they got admission in their dream university. 

He ordered coffee for himself and a strawberry smoothie for tae , his order came just before tae arrived .

"Aww you are so sweet you know exactly what I need , that is why you are my best friend" said while occupying the seat beside Jimin and took a sip from the smoothie".

"Tae" Jimin whined while pouting.

"What happened now?" Tae asked boringly already knowing the reason.

"She again said that I don't have rhythm in me and I have to quit ,you know na how important it is for me to learn dance and perform next month in the fest organized in our University" said Jimin.

"Yes, and who told you to challenge that Heechul ,Already knowing how he likes to provoke you and you like a dumb always fall in his trap", said tae while cursing the said omega Heechul.

"Tae, he is always head of himself thinking he is the prince of the university who excels in all , he taunts me by saying I'm only good in my academics only and don't have any other skill, my temper got my best and I challenged him that I will participate in the upcoming fest".

"After trying all I thought that at least dancing was my cup of tea , but today that also went in vain , " said Jimin while sulking .

"So, what you thought now are you going to quit?"

"What no way I will lose to that Heechul , I think I should again search for a new teacher who would at least teach me some moves to perform . " said Jimin while taking a sip from his coffee .

"Hey ,Let's go to the auditorium , I heard that there is a small event going on for all the stream students where some students will also perform ,let's see if we will get someone whom you are looking for", said tae while dragging towards the auditorium .

In the auditorium

Jimin and Tae reached the auditorium and took their seats .Some time later performances began , somewhere good and somewhere average .

And the last performance was announced and the cheering for the said person was higher than than all the past performance .

The music started , and Jimin was left speechless .

"Dam tae that was the best , I think that I have found the one who would teach me," said Jimin while his eyes never leaving  the said person , who's name is Do-Yun .

_____________________see you in the next part

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