Chapter - 4

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Jimin and Tae were waiting for Do-Yun in one of the abundant classrooms as the auditorium was occupied by others.

Jimin, are you sure Do-yun agreed to teach you? We have been waiting for the past 15 mins.

Upon hearing it Jimin quickly opened his phone to check the message again to be confirmed.

From: Do-yun Sunbae 🕺

Are you fine with 2pm tomorrow?

Jimin-"Yeah I'm okay with it , but as the auditorium is pre booked by others Shall we practice in a classroom?

Do-yun Sunbae 🕺- Okay

Jimin - Thank u sunbae:))I'll text u the classroom number tomorrow .

As Jimin was scrolling through the messages , the doors opened and there entered Do-Yun .

Sorry I got late. At the last moment I got caught with some work, said while looking at Jimin.

No, No. It's fine , It's not that long we have been waiting any way said Jimin.

Upon hearing "we" Do-Yun followed Jimin and saw Taehyung , who was casually sitting on a bench in one hand carrying a Mobile and in the other a drink.

According to University rules it's mandatory to wear scent blockers.Thats the reason hDo-Yun could not deduct another wolf in the room.

Taehyung got off from his seat and extended his hand while introducing himself. Hii I'm Taehyung, studying modeling and Jimin's Best friend. I hope you don't mind me tagging alone.

Taehyung is very protective towards Jimin So obviously he will never leave him alone with an alpha , even though he knows how good the opposite person is .

Yeah! It's fine , I'm Do-Yun from business management , said Do-yun by accepting the handshake.

So let's start with the practice. Jimin-shii, if you don't mind, will you show me some of your moves , so that we'll plan according to that.

Jimin beamed at it. He thanked himself for practicing a bit beforehand .He played a song and got started.

After he finished, Jimin asked cheerfully, how was it?

Well Taehyung awkwardly smiled and said it was good , poor him could not hurt his best friend.

Jimin smiled brightly and turned to do-Yun , Hmm.its good but I think you need more practice to express your feelings through your movements. when you dance you have to feel the lyrics and express your feelings through your moves.

Jimin didn't feel hurt in fact he felt happy, at Do-yun's use of words to not discourage him but also pointed out where he has to improve.




The days have passed in a blink and in two days it's the day when Jimin has to perform.

Jimin was very glad he had chosen Do-yun , the alpha was nothing but sweet towards him , he never got annoyed at him like his past teachers , he was very patient , even in his busy schedule he kept his words .

In the starting Tae used to tag in with them but as days passed Jimin got comfortable with Do-yun , only these two started practicing alone .

On the weekends they used to meet in Taehyung's apartment as he was living alone and sometimes even in Do-yun's apartment initially Jimin felt awkward but Do-Yun was very inviting so in less time he got comfortable. Jimin's apartment was not an option because He lived with his Appa and Eomma, his younger brother who is in high school ,an alpha stays in dorms .Being an omega Jimin was his parents' apple of eye , they never let Jimin stay away from them.

Today was the weekend so Jimin was in DoYun's apartment. He was performing and the alpha was observing him .

Do-yun moved closer to Jimin to correct his posture, they were so close that they could smell each other's scent since they didn't apply any scent blocker.

Do-yun was drawn into Jimin's rose scent , he felt at home . Jimin was not any less the alpha's fresh cut grass scent felt like peace . The two were so entangled in each other's scent, they forgot their surroundings.

Their movement broke with Taehyung's call on Jimin's phone ,they moved away from each other but the tension between them increased.

To break the tension Jimin excused himself to answer the call.

When Jimin left do-yun took a long breath , he felt the same feeling he felt a few days back. The omegas scent was pulling toward him . This feeling was foreign to him , he never experienced it before, his chain of thoughts broke when Jimin spoke, Sorry, Hyung I have to leave now we have to cancel our dinner plan , taehyung needs me .

Is everything okay? Do-yun asked in worry.

Yeah! It's nothing serious , he is upset with Yoongi hyung (tae's alpha), as you know hyung got busy with his internship.

I can drop you at his place ?

Oh , it would be great said Jimin with a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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