Group Texting! (P. 2.) (HS)

299 6 138

STYLE QUEEN!: sooooooooooooo

STYLE QUEEN!: how was you guys' date? 🤭🤭🤭 @peanutluvr @Damian_Desmond

Damian_Desmond: IT WAS NOT A DATE!!!

peanutluvr: yeah damian hates me too muvh ro ever go on a date with me 😒

peanutluvr: much* to*

igyattsomethinginmyeye: Well, I wouldn't say THAT...

peanutluvr: huh

Damian_Desmond: Has everyone been studying for midterms?

STYLE QUEEN!: way to change the subject, champ

peanutluvr: wgy would i study 4 midterms when its like 2 months away

peanutluvr: wgy*

peanutluvr: ehy*

peanutluvr: wgy*

peanutluvr: FREAJINF WGAR

peanutluvr: AAAAAHHHHFFHDHFHJV!!!!!!!$!)$!!

Space-n-stars69: Jesus Christ

igyattsomethinginmyeye: :0

igyattsomethinginmyeye: Anyways.........

peanutluvr: SHUT UO GYATT

Damian_Desmond: Midterms is two weeks away, Anya.

peanutluvr: erm

peanutluvr: ur joking right

Damian_Desmond: No

igyattsomethinginmyeye: Yeah, they start in two weeks. Were you too distracted kissing to notice?

peanutluvr: kissing who ????? i wasnt kissing anyone other than bond

igyattsomethinginmyeye: BOND?!

igyattsomethinginmyeye: ANYA FORGER WHO ARE YOU KISSING??

Damian_Desmond: Bond is her dog's name

peanutluvr: my sweet pup

peanutluvr: good memory syon !

Damian_Desmond: That's not how you spell scion, but thank you.


STYLE QUEEN!: if anya needs to study for midterms.........

STYLE QUEEN!: why not study with damian again? 😋

Space-n-stars69: YEAH! And this time Anya can kiss more than Bond!


Damian_Desmond: You all are completely inappropriate! This is a ridiculous amount of kissing jokes to make between two people who are no more than friends. Truly, I have no idea how you will make it in life by talking like this. Completely immature.

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