Perfect To Me

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"They're so good aren't they?" Poppy asks as she, Alexis and Viva are watching Brozone perform with another band alongside other trolls.

"Yeah. Clay especially. It's nice to see him singing with his brothers again." Alexis says as she smiles watching Clay.

"Poppy I have a small proposal. Will you-" Branch then gets cut off by Poppy.

"Join the band? Of course I will. I thought you would never ask." Poppy says excitedly as Alexis chuckles.

"You know me too well." Branch says as he smiles.

"Viva! Get up here and sing with us. We're in the band!" Poppy shouts as she and Viva join the boys on stage as Clay comes over to Alexis.

"Well beautiful? Wanna sing with us?" Clay asks as he smiles at Alexis.

"Oh uh no offense but no. I'm not that good." Alexis says nervously.

"Come on. You'll be fine. Just have fun." Clay as he offers Alexis his hand.

"Alright." Alexis says as she joins Clay with others in dancing and singing.

*Few Months Timeskip*

Alexis is sitting outside by a pond as she is listening to the trolls in Pop Village in the distance in wolf form.

"Hey Alexis. Poppy said I'd find you here." A voice says revealing to be Clay.

"Hey Clay. How's life going in the village?" Alexis asks curiously.

"It's been good. Not quite as enjoyable when you're not around though." Clay says.

"I've only been away from the village for an hour." Alexis says as she chuckles.

"Yeah but you've become my best friend since I began staying here. I'm just used to hanging out with you all the time." Clay says.

"I know you are. Not that I'm complaining. I like our time together too." Alexis says as she smiles.

"So what are you doing?" Clay asks as he sits beside Alexis.

"Just enjoying the nice and peacefulness of the woods." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Well I hope you don't mind some company." Clay says as he smiles.

"You? Never." Alexis says as she shifts to troll form.

"Hey Alexis there's something I wanted to talk to you about. It's been on my mind for a few weeks now." Clay says as he rubs the back of his head.

"Is everything okay?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Yes and no. Listen I've wanted to tell you this for a little while. But first I want you to know that I've really enjoyed hanging out with you as a friend. You understand me more than most do. Even more than Viva and that's saying a lot. And I want you to know that I would never jeopardize our friendship for anything." Clay says as he blushes.

"Clay please tell me you're about to say something good. Because it kinda sounds like you're saying you don't wanna be my friend anymore and you're just buttering me up to avoid a reaction." Alexis says as Clay chuckles.

"Don't worry. It's not anything bad. It's just worrying for me is all." Clay says as he looks down

"Then what is it? You can talk to me Clay. I won't judge you. Just be honest." Alexis says as she looks at Clay with concern.

"Alright then. Alexis I have feelings for you." Clay says as he looks at Alexis and blushes.

"You have feelings for me?" Alexis asks in surprise as she blushes.

"Yeah. When I'm with you it's like nothing else matters. You don't care who I was before you let me. You don't see me as this Fun Boy persona that I was back in my band days like most do. You treat me with respect and seriousness. You accept me for who I am. When I'm with you I know I can be myself. Be it silly or serious. I don't know what my future will hold but I just know that I want you to be apart of it as my girlfriend. So Alexis will you be my girlfriend?" Clay asks before Alexis kisses him causing them both to blush as she pulls away.

"Does that answer your question?" Alexis asks as she smiles.

"I don't know. Maybe you better do it again to make sure." Clay says as Alexis playfully rolls her eyes.

"Clay." Alexis says as she and Clay chuckle.

"Alright, alright. Can't blame a guy for trying. But yes that definitely answers my question." Clay says happily.

"Good. So I guess that means you won't mind staying with me here for a little while?" Alexis asks as she holds Clay's hand and lays back with him on the ground.

"Not at all beautiful. Not at all." Clay says happily.

We'll Show Them Together Trolls Band Together Clay X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now