Under suspicion [Ghost] Pt.1

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I found myself in the interrogation room, the harsh light casting shadows on my tense face. Captain Price, a commanding presence, stared at me with steely eyes, suspicion evident in every line of his rugged face.

"Explain yourself, rookie,"

he demanded, his voice a low growl. "We've got evidence suggesting you're leaking information to the enemy. Care to elaborate?"My heart raced as I tried to find the right words, the weight of accusation heavy on my shoulders. "Captain, I swear on my honor,

I would never betray my team," I protested, desperation creeping into my voice.But Price wasn't convinced. He leaned in closer, his gaze unwavering. "Your actions have raised too many questions," he accused, his voice like a whip cracking through the air.

"Are you playing both sides?"Doubt gnawed at my mind as I struggled to defend myself. Had I unknowingly betrayed my comrades? The interrogation dragged on, each question digging deeper into my psyche, until I felt like I was drowning in suspicion.In that moment, I made a choice. With determination in my voice, I met Price's gaze head-on. "I'm with you, Captain. Always."

Sweat beads formed on my forehead as I faced Captain Price's unyielding scrutiny. Despite my earnest denials, doubt hung heavy in the air, a suffocating presence between us."I swear on everything I hold dear, Captain, I'm not a traitor," I implored, my voice trembling with frustration. But Price's stern expression remained unmoved, his skepticism a bitter pill to swallow."Your word means nothing without evidence to back it up," he countered, his tone cutting through the air like a blade. "And right now, all signs point to your betrayal."

My heart sank as his words echoed in my mind. How could he doubt me, the rookie who had fought tooth and nail to earn his place on the team? But no matter how passionately I protested, Price's mistrust seemed unshakeable.

As the interrogation stretched on, a sense of helplessness gnawed at the edges of my resolve. Had I truly fallen under suspicion, branded as a traitor by those I swore to protect?But amidst the darkness, a flicker of defiance ignited within me. I may not have Price's trust, but I refused to let doubt tarnish my loyalty.With a newfound determination, I met Price's gaze head-on. "I won't rest until I prove my innocence, Captain," I declared, my voice tinged with unwavering resolve.

As the interrogation intensified, Captain Price laid out the evidence against me with cold precision."Your sudden access to classified documents coincides too perfectly with leaks to our adversaries," he stated, his voice laced with accusation. "Not to mention the encrypted messages we intercepted, all pointing to someone within our ranks."My heart sank as he presented the supposed proof of my guilt.

Documents with timestamps aligning suspiciously with my recent promotions and encrypted messages that bore a resemblance to my personal writing style.But as he laid out each piece of evidence, I could feel the weight of injustice pressing down upon me. The documents were fabricated, twisted to fit a narrative of betrayal.

The messages, while similar in style, were mere coincidences, nothing more.Despite my protests, Captain Price remained unmoved, his conviction unwavering. In his eyes, the evidence spoke volumes, painting me as a traitor in the eyes of my comrades.As the interrogation dragged on, I realized the depth of the deception woven around me.

Someone had orchestrated this charade, planting false evidence to sow discord within our ranks.But try as I might to plead my innocence, Captain Price's doubts seemed insurmountable. In his mind, the evidence was damning, a shadow cast over my once-unblemished reputation.

As the interrogation room door closed behind me, I knew the battle was far from over. But with the weight of false evidence stacked against me, I faced an uphill battle to clear my name and restore the trust that had been unjustly shattered.

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