Serendipitous Mistake [Ghost]

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I woke up with a smile, the memories of last night replaying in my mind like a favorite song. My date had gone better than I could have hoped. We laughed, we danced, and we talked until the early hours of the morning. Still basking in the afterglow of a perfect evening, I reached for my phone to send a quick message.

I typed out, "Last night was fun." Satisfied, I hit send and put my phone down, feeling a giddy excitement for the response.

A few moments later, my phone buzzed. I eagerly picked it up, expecting a lighthearted reply. Instead, the message read, "What fun.?"

I stared at the message for a second, my heart sinking as I realized my mistake. I had sent the text to the wrong person. I had sent it to Ghost, my lieutenant in the military.

Panic washed over me, and I quickly typed back, "Wrong person." But it was too late; the typing bubbles had already appeared on the screen, indicating Ghost was responding.

"Tell me what fun you had," came his reply.

I froze, unsure of how to respond. I left him on read, hoping he would take the hint and drop it. The typing bubbles disappeared, leaving an uncomfortable silence.

Minutes passed, each one stretching longer than the last. Just as I was beginning to relax, a sudden knocking on my door jolted me from my thoughts. My heart pounded as I walked to the door and opened it.

Ghost stood there, his eyes intense and unreadable. Before I could say anything, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of flour.

"Ghost," I protested, hitting his back with my fists. "Put me down!"

He ignored me and carried me to the living room, where he tossed me onto the sofa. He climbed over me, pinning my arms above my head with a firm grip.

"Did he touch you?" Ghost demanded, his voice low and fierce. "Did he kiss you? Is he a good kisser?"

He leaned in close, his breath hot against my skin. My heart raced, and I struggled to form a coherent response. "I never kissed him—" I started, but before I could finish, his lips crashed into mine, cutting off my words.

The kiss was demanding, possessive, and I found myself melting into it despite my initial shock. Ghost's grip on my wrists tightened as he deepened the kiss, and I responded with equal fervor. The tension that had been simmering between us for so long finally boiled over, consuming us both.

In the heat of the moment, I managed to break the kiss by pushing slightly against his chest. His eyes bore into mine, questioning and intense.

"What's this between us?" I asked, my voice trembling.

Ghost said nothing. Instead, he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me back into another searing kiss. The raw intensity of it made my knees weak. He moved his hands down my body, exploring every inch with a possessive hunger. I moaned into his mouth, my hands clutching at his shoulders, pulling him closer.

He broke the kiss again, his lips trailing down my neck, leaving a burning trail in their wake. I arched into him, my body responding to every touch, every kiss. His hands found the hem of my shirt, and with a swift motion, he pulled it over my head, discarding it carelessly.

I fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, eager to feel his skin against mine. He helped me, impatiently ripping it off and throwing it aside. Our bare chests pressed together, the heat between us escalating. Ghost's hands roamed my body, mapping out every curve and angle.

His mouth returned to mine, more urgent this time. Our tongues danced together, each kiss deeper and more passionate than the last. I felt his hands slide down my waist, gripping my hips tightly as he pulled me against him.

We tumbled off the sofa onto the floor, neither of us willing to break contact. His hands worked their way to the waistband of my jeans, and I helped him, desperately wanting the barriers between us gone. As soon as my jeans were off, he discarded his own pants, leaving us both vulnerable and exposed.

Ghost paused for a moment, his eyes locking onto mine. The intensity in his gaze made my breath hitch. Without a word, he pressed his lips to mine again, and the world around us disappeared.

Our bodies moved together in a rhythm that felt both primal and intimate. Every touch, every kiss, every movement was filled with a raw intensity that neither of us could deny. Ghost's hands gripped my hips, guiding me, controlling me, while his mouth explored my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

"Forget about him," Ghost growled against my lips. "You're mine."

I clung to him, my nails digging into his back as we lost ourselves in each other. The connection between us was electric, a powerful force that neither of us could resist. We moved together, our bodies entwined, our breaths coming in ragged gasps.

Time seemed to stand still as we gave in to the passion that had been building for so long. The world outside ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the two of us, here and now.

As we reached the peak of our desire, Ghost's grip on me tightened, and I felt him shudder against me. Our cries of pleasure mingled, echoing through the room. We held onto each other, riding the waves of ecstasy until we were both spent, collapsing in a tangled heap on the floor.

For a moment, we lay there, our bodies entwined, our breaths mingling. Ghost's eyes softened as he looked at me, a silent question in their depths.

I reached up to touch his face, tracing the hard lines and the soft shadows. "Ghost," I whispered, not quite sure what I was going to say.

But in that moment, words weren't necessary. We had both said enough, and everything had changed.

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