Elevator Ecstasy [König]

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As I stepped into the elevator, relieved to escape the office's confines, a rush of nerves washed over me. Just as the doors began to close, there he was—König, my boss. My heart sank, realizing I was now trapped in this small space with the subject of my unspoken infatuation.

For the past three months, ever since I first met König, he had occupied my thoughts incessantly. Every interaction, every meeting, every casual exchange had etched itself into my mind, leaving me helplessly drawn to him. But I couldn't let him know. It was crucial that my professional facade remained intact, even if my feelings threatened to spill over at any moment.

As the elevator descended, the tension between us was palpable. I stole a glance at König, hoping against hope that he hadn't noticed my lingering stares or the way my heart raced whenever he was near. But deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that he knew, that he could see right through me.

Silence filled the elevator, heavy and suffocating. I avoided his gaze, fearing what I might find there—recognition, amusement, or worse, indifference. What would he say if he knew? Would he address it directly, or would he ignore the elephant in the room, just as I had been doing for months?

Trapped between the walls of the elevator, I braced myself for whatever came next, praying silently for the doors to open and release me from this agonizing moment of uncertainty. Until then, all I could do was stand there, silently wrestling with my emotions, hoping against hope that König remained oblivious to the turmoil raging within me.

As I stood there in the elevator with König, I couldn't help but steal glances at him when I thought he wasn't looking. His presence was magnetic, commanding attention without even trying. I found myself studying his features, admiring the way his shirt hugged his muscular arms and the strength evident in his posture.

My gaze trailed down his form, lingering on his strong legs and the confident way he carried himself. It was impossible to deny his allure, his undeniable charm that seemed to draw everyone in. König was undeniably handsome, with a rugged appeal that made it easy to understand why anyone would be drawn to him.

But for me, it was more than just physical attraction. It was the way he commanded a room, the way his voice resonated with authority, the way he effortlessly exuded confidence in everything he did. He was more than just a boss—he was a force to be reckoned with, a presence that left an indelible mark wherever he went.

And as the elevator descended, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be closer to him, to feel his strong arms around me, to lose myself in his gaze. But reality quickly brought me back to earth, reminding me of the professional boundaries that I dared not cross, no matter how tempting the prospect might be.

As I stood there, stealing glances at König, my heart racing with every passing moment, I noticed something peculiar. The numbers on the elevator display were indeed going up, indicating that we were moving higher. But then, without warning, the elevator began to slow to a halt.

Panic surged through me as I realized we were stuck between floors. The silence that had enveloped us was now deafening, broken only by the soft hum of the machinery grinding to a stop. My palms grew clammy, and I could feel the tension in the air thickening with each passing second.

I glanced at König, but his expression betrayed nothing. Was he as unnerved by this unexpected turn of events as I was, or was he simply masking his emotions behind a façade of calm professionalism?

As the reality of our situation sunk in, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over me. Trapped in this confined space with König, with no idea how long we would be stuck or if help was on the way, the weight of our proximity felt heavier than ever.

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