Chapter 29

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Beverly arrives at the boarding house and she walks into the house and up the stairs to Damon's room

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Beverly arrives at the boarding house and she walks into the house and up the stairs to Damon's room. Beverly walks into the room and she sees the news on about Andie's death. Beverly says, "How are you feeling?" Damon says, "It wasn't a real relationship." Beverly says, "But you still cared about her." Damon nods and says, "Yeah. I'll move past it." Beverly nods and says, "Right. Um, Stefan called me." Damon looks over at Beverly and says, "What?" Beverly says, "He called me last night." Damon says, "Well, what'd he say?" Beverly says, "Just happy birthday. I asked Sheriff Forbes if she would trace the call's origin. It came from Tennessee." Damon says, "Okay, then. Let's go." Beverly says, "Okay, uh, I just have to make a quick stop before we go. Can you call Alaric, we're gonna need him." Damon nods and says, "Yeah." Beverly nods and says, "Okay. Um, pick me in like a hour." Damon nods and says, "Okay." Beverly nods and she walks out the room. Later, Beverly meets up with Tyler at the Grill. Yes, Beverly and Tyler are back to being friends since he came back. The two have slowly gotten closer. Tyler says, "So, why did you want to meet up?" Beverly says, "I need you to tell me more about werewolves and where they like to go." Tyler nods and says, "Well, a lot of us like to keep to ourselves for the full moon, chain ourselves up but there are some werewolves that like to gather in places where they don't have to do thatcher they can enjoy it." Beverly's curious as she says, "What kind of places?" Tyler says, "Mountains, state parks deserts, that kind of stuff." Beverly says, "Anywhere in Tennessee?" Tyler says, "Yeah. Here. Give me your phone. I'll try to pull up a map." Beverly hands her phone over to Tyler as she says, "Thanks for this. I know it's asking a lot." Tyler says, "Well, Stefan's in this mess because I bit Damon. I figure I owe you one. Here." Tyler hands Beverly her phone back as he says "That's your best bet." Beverly smiles and says, "Thanks, Tyler. Uh, your gonna be okay for tonight, right?" Tyler nods with a soft smile and says, "Yeah, I can handle it. Stefan needs you more." Beverly nods with a soft smile. Later, Beverly, Damon, and Alaric arrive in Smokey Mountains. As they're walking the trail, Alaric says, "In a couple of hours... the full moon's gonna rise just above that ridge. If Tyler's right, that's where the pack will be." Beverly smiles and says, "You were a boy scout weren't you?" Alaric chuckles as he says, "Yeah." Damon says, "A Boy Scout slash vampire slayer." Alaric says, "Slash whiskey-drinking all around lost cause." Alaric stops making Beverly and Damon stop as well Alaric kneels down on the ground and opens the front of his back pack and it reveals his weapons Beverly says, "Wow. You came stocked." Alaric says, "Well, we aren't exactly bird-watching. Here. Put that in your bag." Alaric hands Beverly a grenade of wolfsbane and she puts it into the side of her bag. Later, as they keep moving, Damon glances at Beverly and softly says, "How you doing?" Beverly says, "I'm okay. You?" Damon nods and says, "I'm good." Alaric says, "We got about a mile left." Damon says, "The sun's about to set." Beverly says, "Well, the moon doesn't reach its apex for a while. We have time." They hear a sound and stop walking. Damon holds out a protective arm in front of Beverly as Alaric points his crossbow. A man with blood on his shirt along with blood dripping from his eyes staggers towards them. Alaric says, "Stay where you are." The man says, "Vampire." As the man attacks Damon, Damon tries to fight back, the man pushes Damon against a tree. Alaric shoots the the man who's a werewolf with an arrow while Beverly puts her bag down and gets out the wolfsbane grenade. Beverly removes the pin as she says, "Damon!" Beverly tosses the grenade over to Damon and he catches it as it explodes on the werewolf. The werewolf screams in agony as he lets go of Damon and falls to the ground. Alaric says, "Let me guess. Hybrid." Moments later, the hybrid is tied up with wolfsbane and vervain soaked ropes. Alaric says, "Alright, that's the last of the vervain. We don't have enough stuff to hold him. I don't think we're gonna make that ridge before the full moon." Beverly says, "If we can get him to talk, we don't have to." As Beverly carefully walks up to the werewolf, he gasps awake. Then all of sudden his bones start snapping as he screams. Damon says, "Is he turning?" Beverly says, "It's impossible. It's still daylight." Alaric says, "Tell him that." Damon then goes to restrain the werewolf as Beverly says, "There aren't supposed to be werewolves out here until the moon is full." Alaric says, "You know, those ropes aren't gonna hold the wolf." Beverly says, "Damon, we've got to get out of here. We gotta get out of these mountains now! Damon, now!" The three of them run away. As they continue to run away, Beverly trips onto the ground making her grunt. As Beverly goes to get up, she sees a wolf growling at her. Damon says, "Don't move. Here, doggie, doggie." Damon speeds away as the wolf chases after Damon. Alaric says, "Come on, let's keep moving." Alaric can see the hesitation in Beverly's eyes as he says, "Hey, he'll be fine." Beverly nods and her and Alaric keep moving. Later. Beverly and Alaric are in the car when they see Damon walking over. The two get out of the car as Beverly says, "Damon. Are you okay? Did you..." Damon softly smiles at Beverly being worried for him and he says, "I'm fine. I didn't get bit." Beverly says, "What's wrong?" Damon says, "I saw Stefan. He saved my life from that hybrid werewolf. Beverly, he's not okay." Beverly says, "But we can save him, right?" Damon nods and says, "Right. Come on, let's get out of here." Beverly nods and gets into the car and three of them head home. Alaric noticed how when he first met Damon he was a complete dick, and he didn't care about anyone but himself, but seeing how he is with Beverly he can now see that Beverly's been changing Damon for the good. She's his humanity.

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