Chapter 55

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Beverly's out in the woods near the cabin as she hears grunting. Beverly speeds towards the noise finding a vampire attacking Matt. Beverly speeds over to the vampire and rips the vampire's heart out as she drops his heart she looks down at Matt worriedly as she says, "Are you okay?" Beverly helps Matt up as she sees a bite mark on his neck saying, "Clearly you're not." Jeremy runs over as he says, "Get to the house! Hurry!" The three of them run towards the cabin. As they arrive at the cabin, Beverly says, "Jeremy, what the hell is going on?" Jeremy says, "They're coming." Beverly looks behind her to see a bunch of vampires before heading inside the cabin and closing the door.

The next day, Beverly's in the living room with Jeremy and Matt, as Jeremy's looking out the window as he says, "They're long gone

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The next day, Beverly's in the living room with Jeremy and Matt, as Jeremy's looking out the window as he says, "They're long gone." Damon walks in as Beverly narrows her eyes as she says, "What the hell were you thinking? All you needed to do was to teach Jeremy how to fight." Damon says, "He's not the best student in the world." Jeremy says, "Wait. Now this is my fault?" Damon says, "Stop talking. Look, I know you're angry. But my way was the easiest, fastest and safest way to complete his mark to get you the cure." Beverly says, "I don't care about the cure, Damon. Not if it means putting the people that I love in danger." Damon says, "Hey, there would have been no danger if he hasn't gone all bleeding heart." Beverly says, "He killed someone. These were innocent people." Damon says, "But the mark grew, didn't it?" Beverly sighs as she says, "Okay, look, we need a plan. There's a group of compelled vampires out there and as soon as the sun goes down they're gonna come after Matt so we have to find a way to protect him." Damon says, "Yes, I know. But there will be no problem when big Jer and I here go on a hunting expedition. Beverly, I know it's tragic. I get it, but we also agree that he had to kill them. Now we have added incentive, so you take the least most valuable player home. Jeremy and I will finish this." Beverly frowns as she says, "I'm sorry, are you saying that I should leave him here with you?" Damon says, "Trust me. I will keep him safe. Okay?" Beverly nods as she softly says, "Okay." Later, Beverly walks into Matt's house with Matt. Beverly says, "I'm so sorry, you got hurt Matt. You know when I asked you to stay with Jeremy, I never thought--" Matt cuts Beverly off as he says, "What did you expect, Beverly? It's Damon." Beverly says, "I never wanted anyone to get hurt." Matt says, "Well, then you shouldn't have left him in charge. Look. I'm sorry. I know you didn't have a choice. Sire bond and all." Beverly sighs as she says, "Yeah, I know. I just I know everyone's trying to get the cure to break this sire bond, but I just don't know if it's worth it anymore." Matt says, "It's worth it not to be controlled my Damon." Beverly scoffs as she says, "You sound like Elena." Matt nods as says, "Well, she's right. You've been different ever since you turned into a vampire. You kill without a second thought and it's because your acting like Damon. The old Beverly would have never left Jeremy with Damon. Especially after what happened last night." Beverly sighs as her phone rings as she checks it seeing it's Jeremy. Beverly answers the phone as she says, "Hey, Jeremy. What's up?" Jeremy says, "Beverly. We're in trouble." Beverly frowns as she says, "Whoa, slow down. What's happening?" Jeremy says, "Listen to me. Kol attacked us. I barely got away, but he has Damon." Beverly's stomach drops. Beverly says, "Okay, find somewhere safe. I know what I need to do." Beverly hangs up as she says, "I got go." As Beverly walks away, Matt says, "Where are you going?" Beverly looks over her shoulder as she says, "To speak with a certain hybrid." Later, Beverly's arrives outside of Klaus'. Beverly takes a deep breath as she knocks on the door. The door opens as Klaus smirks at Beverly and says, "Hello, love. What can I do for you?" Beverly says, "I need your help." Klaus opens the door for Beverly as she walks in says, "Kol has Damon. Now, I know you don't care about Damon. But I know you care about me. Stefan told me you wanted to get the cure for me, I appreciate that. So, please help me." Klaus softens at Beverly as he says, "I will do what I can, love." Beverly softly smiles as she says, "Thank you." Klaus gets out his phone as he calls Kol. Klaus says, "Little brother. Just two days home, and I'm told you've already gone and made a mess." Kol says, "Come on, Nik. I was only have some fun." Klaus says, "Those vampires were for my hunter." Kol says, "I'll make some more. There's no shortage of people." Klaus says, "Where's Damon Salvatore?" Kol says, "I gave him a good and proper beating just for old time's sake." Beverly frowns as she's angry at Kol. Klaus says, "Yes. Well, you've had your fun. Now let him go and come home. Avoid any more trouble, or you'll find yourself back in a box." Kol says, "Hey. No need to be nasty about it." Klaus says, "On the contrary, I find nastiness to be essential whenever my siblings try to sabotage me. Listen closely, Kol. Stay away from the Gilbert boy. You understand?" Kol says, "Fine. I won't touch him. You have my word." Kol hangs up. Later, Beverly's at the Gilbert Residence in the kitchen as Jeremy has set up a bunch of weapons out. Beverly says, "Jeremy, it's over. You can put all this away." Jeremy says, "Klaus still wants me to finish the mark. He's not gonna stop." Beverly says, "Okay, well, Damon's gonna be back soon and then we can figure something out." Jeremy says, "Wait. Seriously? You still trust Damon?" Beverly says, "He saved your life." Jeremy says, "He saved the map to the cure. He couldn't care less about me." Beverly places her hand on Jeremy's shoulder as she says, "I care about you." Jeremy pushes Beverly's hand away as he says, "Don't. Whatever's inside of me that makes me want to hunt and right now it's on overdrive." Beverly looks down as she sees a stake pointed at her as she says, "Clearly." Jeremy looks down as he pulls the stake away from Beverly, dropping it on the table. Jeremy says, "I'm sorry. I know what I have to do, Beverly. I really want to get that cure for you, but... I just... I don't know how I'm gonna do this." Later, after Jeremy left to go check on Matt, Beverly leaves the house just as she sees Damon. Beverly sighs in relief as she rushes up to Damon and hugs him as she says, "What happened? Are you okay?" Damon pulls away from the hug as he says, "Kol happened." Beverly says, "Thank God you both got away. If Kol had taken Jeremy..." Damon says, "Is he here? 'Cause I just want to talk to him really fast." Beverly says, "He's at the Grill. He wanted to check on Matt." Damon says, "Well, I should go apologize to him. I was... I was pretty tough on him today." Later, Beverly and Damon walk into the Grill over to Matt as Damon says, "Don't you ever take a night off?" Matt looks over at Damon annoyed as he says, "I took two days off to help you out at the lake house, remember? I almost got killed." Damon says, "Where's Jeremy?" Matt says, "He's in the back I think." Damon nods as he says, "Hmm." Damon walks away. Beverly looks at Matt as she says, "Are you doing okay?" Matt says, "Yeah. All things considered." Beverly looks over and sees Jeremy as she says, "I'll be right back." As Beverly heads over to Jeremy, she watches Damon head over to Jeremy. Beverly says, "Damon." Damon looks back at Beverly as Beverly says, "Hey, are you okay? What's going on?" Damon doesn't say anything and walks after Jeremy. Beverly's confused and walks after Damon having a really bad feeling that something's going on. Beverly walks into the back room where Damon is as Beverly says, "Damon, what is wrong with you?" Damon looks around for Jeremy as he says, "It was Kol. He must have compelled me. If I find Jeremy... I'm gonna kill him." Beverly widens her eyes as Damon speeds into the vent. Beverly speeds after Damon before he can kill Jeremy. Beverly stops as she gets out her phone and calls Stefan. Stefan says, "Hey, Beverly. What's up?" Beverly says, "Stefan, I need your help." Stefan worriedly says, "Why? What's going on?" Beverly says, "It's Damon. Kol compelled him to kill Jeremy. They're somewhere in the tunnels, and... it's a maze down here and I can't find them." Stefan says, "Okay, I'm on my way." Beverly says, "Okay." Beverly hangs up. Later, Beverly found her way out of the tunnels and now she's in the woods tracking Jeremy by following his blood trail that he left. Beverly speeds over to Damon as she finds him heading toward Jeremy. Beverly says, "Damon, stop!" Damon stops as Beverly says, "Please. I know that you don't want to hurt Jeremy. So please stop." Damon looks back at Beverly as he says, "I can't." Beverly walks up to Damon as she says, "Yes, you can. You're strong enough to resist the compulsion. I know that you are." Damon says, "Why, because Stefan did?" Beverly says, "Because I love you. Because you love me. You'd do anything for me, so please... do this for me." They both hear a drop of blood as Damon says, "I'm sorry, Beverly." Damon speeds after Jeremy as Beverly yells, "Damon!" Beverly speeds after Damon as she finds Stefan pushes Damon against a tree. Stefan then snaps Damon's neck as Beverly gasps. Stefan says, "I had to, Beverly. It's for his own good." Beverly nods as she says, "Right." Later, Beverly's at the boarding house as she sees Stefan coming out of the cellar, she says, "Hey, how is he?" Stefan says, "He wants to see you." Beverly sighs as she says, "I know. Just keep a close eye on him, will you?" Stefan nods as he says, "Of course." Beverly nods as she says, "Thank you for coming to help." Stefan nods with a smile as he says, "Anytime." Beverly softly smiles as she says, "See you." Stefan nods as Beverly walks away with a sigh. 

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