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Takes place mostly in the cemetery and at school •v•

My head starts hurting and I feel like shit, I open my eyes just to realize that I overslept. Fuck... I'm late... I thought to myself, my mom is gonna be pissed, and my dad? He's too drunk to care about me. I get out of bed, almost falling over since I got up too fast. I walk over to my wardrobe and change, do my makeup (so preppy🤫🧏‍♀️), nothing interesting. All I took to school was my lighter and a pack of Cigarettes, nothing new.

I walk to the door, hoping my mom wouldn't notice me and scold me, again... unsurprisingly, she called me as soon as I was about to leave. "Why are you up so late young man?" I sighed and ignored her, hearing her sigh in annoyance. I left, not even bothering to eat anything since there was nothing to eat anyway. After a long walk, I finally reach school. Heading to the back, seeing my friends, smoking. (What else do u expect them to do?🙄)

"Why are you here so late? You're usually the second to arrive." Micheal asked as I sat with them, lighting a cigarette and taking a drag. "I overslept." Micheal  shrugged and went back to smoking. We really had nothing to do but smoke and listen to music, sometimes I wish we weren't so boring, we're never doing anything. Sometimes I wish that for one day I could be one of the happy fun kids who get along with everyone... but... at the same time I find it completely fucking lame, like who'd ever wanna do that? Sometimes, when I think about being like the other kids, it makes me wanna throw up, although, it still makes me regret going goth.

I started to zone out without even noticing. Why can't I be like the others? I want to... but... What if people get suspicious? What if my friends never talk to me again? What if I get called weird? What if— My train of thoughts came to a sudden stop when I hear Firkle make an 'ugh' sound with a scowl on his face. I noticed he was looking at the Vampire kids who usually hangs out near us. "They're here..." Firkle growled, obviously, none of us were happy about it, well, almost all of us, I was too busy overthinking to even acknowledge them, until he caught my eye. Smiling at me, waving, what the hell does he want?

I rolled my eyes, not thinking much of it, then I went back to zoning out. I didn't realize that I was so lost in my thoughts that school was already over and my friends had left to hang out at Henrietta's house and I was just sitting there, thinking, but I can't recall about what. I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned to my right to see Mike... what does he want now? I sigh. "What do you want?" I said with a harsh tone that made his smile drop a little. "Chill, I just wanted to know if you even realized the other just left." I pause for a moment, looking around me to see that the others were gone. Damnit... I thought.

After a long awkward silence, Mike opened his mouth to speak up and finally break the silence, but stays quiet for a few seconds. "...So... uh..." He started, fiddling with his thumbs to show that he was... nervous, maybe? "Wanna go to the cemetery?" He asked, I was gonna go to the cemetery after school anyway... I guess I'll go with him. I thought to myself. "...Fine." I mutter, loud enough for him to hear. We both stand up to go to the cemetery, and there it was again... that long awkward silence...


We sat near a grave, still sharing an awkward silence. Instead of feeling hatred and anger towards him, I feel... safe? No no no... I hate him... I'm not supposed to feel safe... So many thoughts ran through my mind about me and Mike actually being.,, friends...? God! What is with me today!? I sigh, not it frustration... Well, maybe, but I don't know what I was feeling at the moment. "You okay?" I heard Mike ask. I looked up at him, not expecting him to suddenly speak up. I nod. "Yeah... yeah... just, thinking..." "About What?" I stayed silent again, not wanting to say anything. "...Okay, good talk then..." He said.

"So... are we friends now...?" I slightly jumped when I heard the word 'friends'. "You wanna be friends..." I started, "...With me?" I asked, I don't think we're even supposed to be friends. He nodded, I sigh, looking down. "But... you're a vampire, I'm a goth. And besides, the others would kill us if they found out..." He had a sad look on his face, I felt kind of bad. "But... maybe I'll change my mind..." I said, his face lit up. "Really?" He grinned ear to ear, while clenching his fists in excitement. "Maybe." His smile dropped a little, but he wasn't upset. "O-oh." He chuckled through his nose. We then spent the rest of the night staring into the night sky.

First chapter!!! Im rlly proud of this :) I'm probably gonna update this more than the TD gc. Also this took me like 2-3 days to write so pls don't flop🙏

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