Thinking about someone special

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This will most likely take place at mike's house the whole chapter :3

We both went home after spending an hour or so at the cemetery, I opened the door, only to be greeted by my stepdad. "Where have you been all day?" He asked with a smile plastered on his face. "Just hanging out with a friend..." I said tiredly, walking upstairs to my room. He seemed to fall silent after that. I plopped down on my bed, kind of tired of being outside at night for a while.

I lay there for a while, I didn't have enough energy to even sit up. I start to zone out for a little while, thinking about random shit, blah blah blah... until I started thinking about.. him...

About how beautiful he looked in the moonlight, he looked so elegant, I just wished I could... "Ugh... now's not the time for gay thoughts, Mike." I'd say to myself, though, my mind couldn't get off of him... he was so...

My train of thoughts came to a sudden stop when my stepdad came in, he still had that smile on his face, how is he in a permanently good mood? I wish I could be like that... "Hey, kiddo! You hungry? You've been out for quite a while." He asked me. I shake my head, though I wish I didn't. "No, thanks." "You sure?" "Mhm." His smile almost faded away, almost. "...If you say so!" He then shut the door. I was alone, again (finally).

I kept thinking about him so much that I lost track of time, it was 1:12 Am. I sigh and try to go to sleep, but I just couldn't. After a few minutes, I closed my eyes, but opened again, I thought it was still around 1:12 Am, but it's morning- (no cos it always feels like 2 sec cos u only know u fell asleep when u wake up😒) that felt a little too quick, meh, it always feels too quick. (This is the kind of shit I think about)

I get up and change, literally just realizing I slept in the clothes I was wearing yesterday. I walk downstairs, greeted by my stepdad again. "G'morning, kiddo! How'd ya sleep?" He said while making breakfast, I sat down at the breakfast table and responded with "Good," When in reality, I felt tired and lightheaded. I guess it wasn't that bad, I was kind of dreaming of Pete the whole nigh- Ugh! What's wrong with me? I sigh.

"You okay?" My stepdad asked, I forgot he was here. "Y-yeah." I hesitated to speak. I stayed quiet, as if there were something to say. I really couldn't get him out of my head...

I love him too much...

I FINALLY MADE ANOTHER PART!!! :3 felt like years that I haven't posted😭 btw I'll try to post tmmrw :3

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