silly texts

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These r just silly text messages between them cos i didn't know what to publish and I want to publish daily on this story sooo🤫🧏‍♀️

Mike: hey Pete, did u know I'm a real vampire🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️

Pete: no ur not

Mike: *bites u but cutely*

Pete: what the hell.

Mike: meweehehehheeeh :F

Pete: fucking kys

Mike: kissing you sister🫢

Pete: I don't have one

Mike: then kissing your sibling

Pete: I'm an only child

Mike: kissing you slowly?

Pete: 🧍‍♂️

Pete: wanna bomb a hospital

Mike: Pete wtf

Pete: u say that like the government doesn't do that😒

Mike: true let's do it

(on call)
Mike: PETE.

Pete: what.

Mike: GUESS WHAT (giggling like a little girl)

Pete: what???? Tell me!!!


Pete: (hangs up)

Mike: help someone hacked my Roblox acc and made me look like a bald black guy who only wears a white underwear with red hearts on it💀

Pete: oh I wonder who did it

(Pete did it)

Mike: why did I have a dream about you and ur friends circling me and saying "one of us, one of us, one of us"

Pete: hmm I might ask them if we can do that

Mike: what.

Pete: Mike I'm literally outside ur house and I can hear u blasting the Lego movie soundtrack on repeat wtf are you on

Mike: no mom it's not a phase🙄

Pete: Oh...!

i don't have any more ideas but at least I got to publish another part🤫🧏‍♀️

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