-chapter three

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winning a battle, losing the war season one, episode three

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winning a battle, losing the war
season one, episode three

"I have more clothes I should have the bigger room!" Ayden heard izzie shout from the hallway.

"actually, I have more clothes than the three of you combined." the woman shouted from the bottom of the staircase, before making her way back into the kitchen.

"our room is like two inches bigger than yours." George announced as the three of them made their way downstairs.

the young woman blocked out the rest of her friends bickering and quickly made her breakfast, a breakfast sandwich. grape jelly on the two sides of the bread, seasoned eggs on each bread, and bacon in. she wrapped it in aluminum foil and took a small bite before grabbing her coffee.

"guys!" she shouted. "hurry we're going to be late!" she shouted again before grabbing her keys, bag and coat and making her way to the car.


the six interns walked throughout the halls with their resident. "fools on bikes, killing themselves. natural selection is what it is." she rambled off before walking faster.

"so what's up with the nazi? is she off her meds?" Alex questioned George.

"you never heard of the race?" George replied.

Ayden curiously poked her head in between the two men as they all got onto the elevator . "what race?"

George chuckled at the girl. "it's an underground race that's held every year by this bar, which is completely illegal. or in another words it's called "dead baby bike race"

"don't you wonder why anyone would name something so disgusting?" Izzie spat as the seven walked out of the elevator and put away their doctor coats.

"keep your panties on, Nancy drew." Cristina smirked as she grabbed a yellow gown like the rest of the interns.

"bunch of bike messengers races against traffic, trying to beat each other for free shots of tequila. crazy!" Meredith pulled on her gown.

"All-out, no-holds-barred competition sounds fun!" alex emphasized the fun part.

Ayden rolled her eyes as she turned around so George could tie her gown. "fun? more like stupid. a race that doesn't have any rules and is literally called "dead baby".. thousands of people or more probably are going to be injured, by the minute."

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