chapter four | secret investigation

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FOR MOST OF the day, Tommy had been around the town to check on different things before going on patrol. He would be taking Jesse with him. A few nights ago, Maria told him about her talk with Y/n about making new friends. The first thing she noticed was how Y/n talked about Dina. It seemed like a crush from Maria's perspective.

Since Y/n seemed to trust him so much, she wanted him to investigate.

"Maria, my love, I would love to help her, but I don't want to intrude and lose her trust," Tommy argued before returning to what he was doing before his wife showed up. He loved his wife, but when she got like this, it could be insufferable. "Maybe we should let this one happen on its own. The last one we tried to help turned into an on-and-off again that's still going on."

"So, you're telling me that you're not the tiniest bit curious?" Maria asked him curiously, crossing her arms over her chest. Tommy sighed, stopping what he was doing once again to look at his wife. "You're going on patrol with Jesse; all you have to do is ask him about Dina."

"I don't think we should interfere here. You need to learn to let things happen naturally."

"You used to be such a matchmaker; what happened to that, Tommy?"

He let out a breath, thinking of his next response. The last thing he wanted to do was be too mean. "I just don't want her to get hurt. Dina is great and everything, but as long as this cycle is going on, it won't be great for either party." Tommy explained, soon seeing Maria's expression change. "It's my job to protect her, so that's what I plan to do."

"Trust me on this, Tommy. Just talk to Jesse while you're on patrol."

Tommy pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a slightly annoyed sigh. Maria wasn't going to let this go. "Okay, fine. I'll talk to him to see what I can find out." Tommy finally agreed.

Maria flashed him a grin before kissing his cheek, leaving him to finish his work.

Tommy and Jesse rode their horses to the first lookout point. As Jesse talked about an old history book he found, Tommy thought of how to bring up the topic of Dina.

He told Maria that he'd do it, but he wasn't sure how to make it come up casually. He hasn't done things like this in a while. Honestly, it was starting to make him nervous.

"Anyway, I just thought that was cool. How are things with you, Tommy?" Jesse asked curiously, glancing over at him before turning his attention back to the dirt road ahead of them. "How's the new girl doing? I think her name is Y/n." He spoke, hoping that he got the name right.

"She's doing okay, still figuring things out. I think she's ready for patrols, I'm thinking of making Dina her partner. It would be good for Y/n." Tommy replied, keeping his attention on the path in front of them. This was his chance to bring up their relationship, he just needed the perfect chance to ask about her. "So, Y/n would be with Dina, you would be with me, and I'll figure something out for Cat."

"Yeah, that could work or I could be partnered with Cat, I'm fine with whatever."

Tommy nodded in response, soon clearing his throat. Now was the perfect time to ask about Dina. "Speaking of Dina, how's things going with her? Are you two still together?" He asked curiously, looking over at Jesse once again.

Jesse flashed him a confused look, wondering what could have possessed him to ask something like that. Had he heard something around Jackson? Did Dina say something to him? He wanted to know, but he was afraid of what the answer might be.

"Things are going great. We're having a date night when we get back to Jackson, I'm making her dinner." He replied, smiling at the thought. He looked so happy with Dina, Tommy couldn't hurt someone for another person. He loved Y/n, but he didn't even know how she felt toward Dina. They were going off of a feeling that Maria had. That wasn't much to go off of in the first place. "Why do you ask? Did she say something?"

"No, not at all. Maria and I were just curious."

"Alright then, if you say so."

After a few seconds, a silence fell between them and they looked away from each other. He wanted to get away from the awkwardness.

Tommy sat in the living room with his wife, discussing the conversation he had with Jesse earlier that day. When he talked about how happy Jesse seemed, Maria looked slightly disappointed, it seemed like that wasn't an answer she wanted to hear.

"I don't see why this matters to you, we can't control who these kids fall for, Maria," Tommy spoke up, accidentally cutting Maria off. He knew it was never a good idea to cut her off, but he couldn't help it. He had to stop this while they were ahead. "We don't even know how she feels about Dina. We can't do this based on a suspicion, that can hurt people." Tommy argued, soon earning a look from Maria.

"The evidence is there, babe. You weren't there to see the look on her face when she talked about Dina."

"I don't care, Maria! Let it go."

A few moments after Tommy said those words, the front door opened and Y/n walked in. Maria was going to say something else, but she stopped once she saw her standing there. Tommy knew it was for the best.

"What's going on, kiddo?" Tommy asked in a happier tone.

"I was coming up here to ask a question and heard the arguing. Is everything okay?" She asked the couple curiously. Tommy nodded and flashed her a smile, motioning for her to ask the question. "Tommy, I found a soccer ball a little bit ago, would you wanna kick it around with me? It could be great exercise for both of us."

"Yeah, of course. I'll be there in a second."

Y/n nodded with a grin and went back outside, closing the door behind her. Once he was sure that Y/n was far enough away, he turned to look at his wife, his grin dropping.

"Like I said, let it go, Maria."

With that, Tommy made his way outside to spend time with Y/n. Maria watched as her husband left the house. He used to be completely different before he found out about the death of Y/n's parents, he didn't even know them, but he completely changed his ways before searching for Y/n.

He changed to do exactly what her parents asked him to do.

"Are you sure everything is okay with Maria?" Y/n questioned as she kicked the ball in his direction. He stopped it with his foot and then kicked it back, nodding his head. "It just sounded super heated back there, if I caused it somehow, I'm sorry."

Once the ball came back to him, he stopped it and didn't kick it back. Y/n was confused by that. "Listen, kid, none of this is your fault. Plus, you weren't even there." Tommy replied, soon picking up the ball and looking over at her. "You can't blame yourself for everything, especially things you weren't there for. It wasn't your fault, kiddo."

Y/n flashed him a smile and nodded in response. Tommy smiled back and then they went back to kicking the ball back and forth. Together, they talked about almost anything and laughed at the dumbest things. This moment further proved that Tommy couldn't play matchmaker again.

He didn't want to risk Y/n's feelings getting hurt.

brooke speaks!

i thought i would have
had this typed out way
sooner but i guess not,
at least it's done now! I
hope you all enjoy it and
i hope there's no mistakes!

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