chapter five | heartbreak avenue population: y/n

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THE WARM AND bright sun illuminated the path in front of the partners. It was silent between them, they didn't have much to talk about in the first place. This was an awkwardness neither of them could shake no matter how hard they tried. They had very little in common, it wasn't a great combination for a friendship. When they started the trip to the first lookout, Y/n expected a conversation of some kind, but nothing happened. If they were going to work together, someone had to say something.

Dina tried to say something, but she just couldn't. She didn't know what to talk about. She knew nothing about this girl.

Y/n was thinking the same thing.

She didn't want to be here anymore. She would look over at Dina and open her mouth to say something, but Dina would catch her staring and then she would chicken out. She looked away from her, putting her attention back on the scenery around them. "So, has Jackson been treating you well?" Dina asked with an awkward tone, doing anything to break the silence. "Are the people nice to you? Tell me if they aren't and I'll set them straight." She added, letting out a chuckle.

Now, it was getting better. It was starting to feel more comfortable.

However, Y/n was so fixated on her smile and laugh that she completely forgot to answer the question. Once she noticed that Dina was waving her hand in front of her face, she snapped back to reality and cleared her throat before answering the questions. "The people are great, I promise." She replied, laughing along with her. She had always thought that Dina was an easy person to talk to, but she never had the proof until now. She was falling more in love with her by the second, she didn't think that could happen. "Jackson is pretty cool, it's not Seattle, but it's home to me now." She smiled to herself as she said that out loud. She's said it a thousand times, but she's never truly meant it until now.

"You're from Seattle?"

"Yeah, born and raised until Tommy and Maria found me. Now, I live in Jackson, but you knew that." She chuckled and turned away from her once again, looking out at the path in front of them. They were getting close to the first lookout.

"Would you wanna hang out sometime when we get back?" Dina asked curiously, catching Y/n completely off guard. The two had just had a conversation for the first time about something that wasn't training. She didn't expect an invite to the lunch table so quickly. "Jesse and I go on hikes sometimes and we thought you'd like to join us."

An opportunity to get closer to Dina? She couldn't pass that up. Maybe this could be the greatest love story she's always dreamed of before the first infection. "So? Will you join us??" Dina asked again, hoping to get an answer this time.

The only response that she could give was nodding with a smile on her face, that was enough for Dina.

Y/n stared out at the view below them, seeing the empty plains fields. It was chillier up there than it was on the ground. She was meant to be watching for any infected, but her eyes would lock onto Dina, causing her to smile to herself and she would feel a blush creep up on her cheeks.

She caught herself staring at Dina once again and looked away before she could notice. What she didn't know was that Dina already caught her multiple times.

She just didn't say anything to embarrass her.

"Did you remember to log that we were here?" Dina asked, breaking the silence.

Once she saw Y/n nod, she walked toward the log book just to double-check. Written in the most beautiful handwriting were their names, when they got there, and how many infected had been killed, but the time they left had been left blank. She'll have to remember to fill that out when they leave. "Where'd you learn to write like this? It's beautiful." Dina asked curiously and looked over at her. Y/n had her back turned to her from looking at the view.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐑𝐌 , dina  Where stories live. Discover now