Chapter Thirty One: Victoria Secret

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It is oppressive, making it difficult for me to breathe as I have to gasp harder to get some oxygen into my lungs

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It is oppressive, making it difficult for me to breathe as I have to gasp harder to get some oxygen into my lungs. I get more flashbacks to my past the harder I try to endure.

"C'mon, Sam. Walk faster. Someone is waiting for us" He walked faster, taking my hand in his, as I attempted to match his pace.

I laughed at his excited tone and said, "Haan Baba, I got your excitement." He gave me a big smile and a little dimple before stopping as soon as we entered the restaurant.

"Love, You know this meeting is important for me. Mr. Khuranna is my Boss and I want to be in his good books. Nobody will be able to stop me from going up the success stairs if I do this." I straightened the new blazer he had purchased a few days prior to his work at his new company.

"We are in this Together, Karan. You have my support" I assured him with a warm smile, his hair was gelled together, his face glowed in excitement and his eyes sparked.

When I felt his hands snaking around my waist and I fell over his chest, I let out a small gasp. Calling him "Karan," I reprimanded him and slapped his chest while trying to back off.

"Thank you, I love you so much, my love" And just like that, his lips found mine, yanking me off into some corner. His lips consumed mine in a passionate kiss and with the last peck, his lips moved to my forehead to place a small peck there. Feeling the heat rise to my cheeks I hugged him hiding my face in his chest.

His quiet laughs resounded in my ears as I covered up my flushed face and curled up next to the only source of warmth he could offer. He pulled me in closer, and I could feel the warmth of his embrace and his kind words. "My Love, I will be here for you always."

The tears continued to well up as I thought back to his words, which had always made me feel warm and comforted, but I had been so blinded by them that I had failed to recognize the true betrayal that was waiting to destroy me.

Cradling his shirt, I tucked myself into his chest. When I opened my eyes, he was the only person I saw, and I was unable to control my tears in his presence. He is starting to become my weakness.

I mumbled those words while crying, "He used me." I had been burying the pain inside, but it was finally bursting. The heavyweight that I want to get rid of right away.

"He used me Ayushman" I wanted to take it out, I wanted to speak it out now. To open myself in front of him.

I heard his gentle voice, "Riddhi, Look here," and for some reason, I pressed my face closer to his chest. It was impossible for me to look at him.

"He betrayed me. I trusted him and he broke me apart." He patted me and I relaxed beneath his gentle touch over my hair.

"Ayushman, you were betrayed too. Will you see things my way?" His eyes were moistened when I looked up, and his hand was on my cheeks. I closed my eyes and felt his large, rough palm against my skin.

𝐊𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐀𝐍:- 𝐀𝐧 𝐔𝐧𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now