The Spirit

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This was supposed to be a small part of the next chapter, but that one was getting really long and took me longer than I realised. So, in order to keep this story relevant, I posted this bridge chapter while I worked on the main one. It's literally just Cho earning Mubo's confidant, so nothing much really happens, but enjoy.

Cho was sitting at the station, waiting for the train to arrive. She felt exhausted after that trip, but also strangely restless. She needed to talk to someone about what she was doing, but knew that she couldn't tell her parents. She didn't want to worry them, not only about how she nearly died a few times in the Palace, but also about the Metaverse itself. They and their friends had worked so hard to remove it the first time, she didn't want to make them do it again. Her train of thought was interrupted by her phone buzzing. She pulled it out and noticed that Mubo had sent a message to her privately. She opened it and read;

Mubo: Hey, I know you're prolly pretty tired after what just happened, but do ya wanna meet me for something to eat. I wanna talk about the Metaverse, but I don't think I can tell my parents about this.

Cho chuckled to herself as she accepted his invitation. She boarded the train the Shibuya, but instead of going home, she went on a different line to meet up with Mubo. Morgana told her that she should probably go home and get some sleep, but when Cho told him where they were going, he shut right up.

Mubo was extraordinarily like both his parents. He looked almost exactly like Ryuji, except he inherited Ann's blonde hair and her eyes. The boy was into track like his father, but also was a huge movie buff like his mother. So when he was old enough to actually understand the taste of food, it became a friendly competition between Ryuji and Ann to see which food Mubo would prefer, ramen or crepes. "I swear at one point, we all thought the two of them would divorce over this matter" Ren had joked when he told Cho this story. So it came as a complete surprise to everyone when they all found out that Mubo's favourite food was actually sushi. "That cat had something to do with this, I swear" Ryuji liked to say whenever he told this story. But, their argument was eventually settled when Mubo's younger sister Imo found that her favourite food was ramen, Something that Yusuke thought was particularly funny, since Imoto was the spitting image of Ann, just with Ryuji's natural black hair. Cho always laughed to herself whenever she thought of this story.

She arrived at Mubo's favourite sushi place to find him already sitting at the counter, food on his plate. Cho greeted him as she sat down, placing her bag with Morgana in it at her feet. "You'd better save some fatty tuna for me!" he hissed at them, "or else I'll tell Ryuji and lady Ann that you came here!" Mubo made an obvious mocking freeze of fear, and said, "Oh no, whatever will I do!" which made Cho laugh. It had become something of a running joke in the Sakamoto household for Mubo's parents to get offended that he'd choose a sushi place over ramen or crepes, but Mubo knew they never meant it, since they'd bring him there on his birthdays or whenever he did well in track.

"So," Cho said, turning the conversation back to the Metaverse, "what did you want to talk about?" Mubo thought for a moment as he subtly dropped a piece of fatty tuna into Cho's bag. A purr of delight came from the bag as Morgana happily ate the tuna, which made the two friends laugh. "I wanted to talk about that multiple mask thing," said Mubo, quietly, "I still don't really get it." "Neither do I," Cho responded, "It's just as much of a mystery to me as it is to you." "I thought I told you two," Morgana called from the bag, "It's the power of the Wild Card. Cho's father Joker was able to do it too. It allowed him to carry multiple Personas at once." Neither Cho nor Mubo thought this was an adequate explanation, but they decided to accept it.

But how did you get it?" Mubo asked her, "And how do I get it?" "You can't," Morgana replied, "only Cho can. My master bestowed it upon her in order to figure out why the Metaverse has returned." Mubo looked rather disappointed to hear this. "But I still feel like I need to bring something to the team" he said. "You do" Cho replied. "I mean something like your Wild Card thing" Mubo replied. He sat there eating for a bit, and thought about what he could do. Then, it came to him. "I know it mightn't be much," he said to Cho, "but what if I used my experience in the track team to help us evade or ambush Shadows easier?" Cho thought about his proposal. Then she nodded her head. "That could work" she responded, helping herself to some more sushi from the turnstile. As Mubo cheered, Cho heard Lavenza's voice in her head again.

I am thou, thou art I,
Thou hast acquired a new vow.

It shall become the wings of rebellion
That breaketh thy chains of captivity.

With the birth of the Chariot Persona,
I have obtained the winds of blessing
That shall lead to freedom and new power.

The voice vanished quickly, but Cho felt strangely closer to Mubo, as though a new bond had formed between them. They finished up their food and paid separately, since both of their parents were pretty wealthy. The two parted ways at Shibuya, and the moment she got home, she collapsed into bed.

Again, sorry that this chapter was a bit pointless, I just needed to write something to tie you all over until I manage to get this next chapter out. It should be out either tomorrow or Sunday. Also Imo's name means little sister (I looked it up), and, something I forgot to say last chapter, Yuri Asurito = Better (play on Yoriyoi) Athlete.

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