Interrogation Room

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Now, we have made it to the infamous interrogation room scene. As a warning, there will be descriptions of violence in this chapter, and I will be echoing the main game again, however as usual I will be adding my own Hotdogking34 twist to it at the end, so look forward to that. Anyway, enjoy.

The next however many hours were a blur for Cho. She awoke in a daze and with a possible concussion in a dark room with several cameras and two interrogators looming over her. To her disappointment, Makoto wasn't one of them. She then saw one of them approach her and inject her with something, but she wasn't sure what. After that, her head spun more, and she couldn't tell what the hell was happening. All she was aware of was the occasional sentence or two coming from the men. Were they asking her questions? She couldn't tell. Was she answering them? Judging by the random stabs of pain she felt, she probably wasn't.

Eventually, Cho felt a large bucket of water being chucked at her, waking her up from whatever trance she was in. She still felt groggy and dizzy, but at least she was now aware of her surroundings. The two men who were interrogating her were men Cho recognised from Makoto's work stories. They were apparently ruthless people who didn't go easy on the people they were interrogating. They were being especially rough with her since she and her friends were able to run rings around the police for almost the full year. The man who chucked the water at her smirked evilly as she came to her senses.

"So, you're finally awake" he said, then he kicked her in the chest. Cho tried to raise her hands to defend herself, but she became aware of the handcuffs around her wrists. The second man laughed. "You think you can do something against us?" he asked, laughing. "You're a criminal under interrogation. We can do whatever we like in here." Cho watched as his eyes wandered down her body. Before he could get any ideas, Cho snapped back, "You wouldn't want to do anything too bad to me, or my mother will have your heads!" The men froze, obviously realising who she was. But then, the first man's face darkened. "Maybe so," he said. "But she will forgive us for some things, because you've pissed us off for the past 8 months, so I'm dying for a bit of payback."

Then, he kicked her in the chest, harder this time. The force knocked the chair over, causing her head to crash into the ground. Both men kicked her twice more, to the point that she coughed some saliva. The first man picked up a clipboard and began to read out what was written on it. "Braking and entering," he listed, "illegal possession of weapons, vigilantism, obstruction of Justice... and potential mass murder." The man shoved the clipboard under her nose. "Sign this," he demanded. "It's a written confession." Cho sat up from the ground and looked at the clipboard with the pen attached to it. She scoffed and shoved it away. "No way in hell I'm confessing to all of that!" she retorted.

The men chuckled, then the first guy grabbed onto Cho's head and slammed it against the back wall. "Funny," he spat. "Like you have a choice in the matter." He slammed the clipboard into her hands again. Realising she really didn't have a choice, Cho relented and signed. The first guy took the clipboard from her hands and placed it on a nearby table. "Your interrogator will be here shortly," said the second guy as the two left the room. "She'll make sure you tell the whole story. Then they left, closing the door behind them. Cho sat in the dark room by herself for ages. She went through the events in her mind that led up to her arrest, and while she could remember most of the events, some of the things were still fuzzy.

But before she could spend too long ruminating, the door opened and a woman walked through the door. For a moment, Cho's hopes were raised as she thought it was her mother. However, those hopes were dashed as quickly as they appeared when she realised it wasn't Makoto. It was Gako Netami herself. Cho's stomach fell. This was going to be harder than she thought. Maybe she was imagining it, but Cho could swear she heard Netami say "Jesus Christ!" as she walked in. Netami sat down at the opposite end of the table and stared Cho down. "Of all the people I had on my list of suspects," she began, formally, "You were pretty low on my list, Cho Amamiya." She straightened the papers in front of her, then asked, "You know who I am, yes?" Cho nodded. "Prosecutor Gako Netami" she replied. "Good," said Netami, looking through her papers again. But then she looked up and added, "I'm sorry about your current state. You've pissed off most of the force, so a few of them have been itching for vengeance. But I didn't think they'd take it this far, especially with a minor." She stared at Cho with a sympathetic gaze for a few more seconds, then refocused herself on her work.

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