Being late

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Satoru: W-why would you do that?

Suguru: I'm sorry...

[School bell ringing]

"Shit, we're late again. Yaga sensei is going to kill us today." Satoru said while running through the hall." Now be quiet and hurry up, we don't want to get caught."

"They are late again? " yaga sensei asked looking at Shoko.

Her expression said that she didn't know.

"Okay, class today we're going to start a new chapter. I'm writing the title on the board"

As the teacher turns around to write on the board both of them open the backdoor slowly without any noise. As their seats are on the back they don't have to struggle to go to their seat. They sit silently in their seats, without even their classmates noticing them except Shoko. Both of them chuckling like the devil feeling proud about them being unnoticed by the teacher.


"Satoru and Suguru, meet me during the break time" -Yaga sensei said without even turning back once.

The whole class turned around to see them seated at the back without one of them being slightly noticed. With their devilish expression turning into awkwardness.

"Sensei! Not fair. how did you know that we're here."-Satoru said.

"If you know how to enter my class unnoticed, then I know how to catch you."

"But how do you catch us every time?"-Satoru said nagging like a child.

"Now stop nagging and focus on the class" -Yaga sensei shouted.

"When did they enter the classroom?"

"I don't know"

"How do they do that?"

"no idea"

The whole class was whispering about them. But they couldn't care less. They took their books out but blankly stared at the space. Thinking about what they will do after the school ends not worrying about being called by Yaga sensei.

"It was the 7th time this month that you have been late. Both of you have outstanding grades and you are good at everything I have to admit but being late and skipping classes, what is this? No one says anything to you because your grades are good But as a class teacher, I have to look after every single thing you do."

"Are you two even listening?!" yaga sensei shouted.

both of them looking at the ceiling without a care about the situation.

Yaga sensei rolled some paper and gave both of them a bash !!

"Auch!! Why would you do that?!" Satoru said brushing his arm where Yaga sensei hit him.

"Sensei doesn't love us !" said Suguru with a sad pout.

"This was for not listening to your teacher"

"Yes, whatever. You repeat the same thing every day." Satoru said looking at Suguru and wondering when they would get out of the office.

"I wouldn't have to repeat myself if you didn't repeat the same mistake over and over again."

"huh!!?" Satoru gave an awful expression. Yaga sensei glared at him at the same time and Satoru turned sideways.

"sighHh!!" Yaga sensei let out a sigh and said with a serious expression "You being late in class doesn't have to do anything with me but if you keep this up it will turn into a habit and one day you will suffer. I don't want that happening to any of you."

Both of them listened quietly as Yaga sensei was being serious this time.

"you can go now. It's being late."

"Thank you, sir." said Satoru

"We love you sensei." said Suguru

"Hahh!!Kids these days. Hope you come to the right path soon." said Yaga sensei seeming almost hopeless.

'He stood at the wind and watched both of them run off like the wind riding their cycle and laughing like a maniac.'

The corner of his lips formed a little smile.

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