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I was talking with Mr. Rathore , a man my father introduced me to when my eyes fell on a girl in a black saree with a boy , she was like looking nice . Seriously I've never seen a girl like that and I shouldn't . I looked away engaging with Mr Rathore when I noticed her coming towards us with that boy , she smiled at Mr Rathore and he introduced us . 

" Sir , he is my eldest son , Rahul and she is my youngest daughter Akriti " 

_Akriti_ nice name 

They both smiled at me and I nod back when our families came there too . 

" Oh i guess you both have met each other already " The man who matched the alliance said . Wait- she is ? I saw her and she looked shocked too but composed her well before greeting my family and I realized I too have to greet her mother . 

The engagement was long forgetten as both the families sat on a table and were discussing things , when suddenly a urge to look at her once surged in me .

Yes i followed it and looked up to her seeing her talking with ---what was his name -----yes rahul

" So , Mr. Rahul . How is the business going nowadays ? " I asked earning both of their attention , do they always stick like that . 

I indulged myself in conversation with rahul and not forgetting to spare some glances of her but she was busy in her phone till my younger brother Virat started talking with her . Will I get a chance to talk with her ? 

After what seemed like 40 minutes , we decided to part ways as everyone came out of the hall not before asking guards to check if there are media still present . They were none as it was already 11 at night . 

We bid our byes and I noticed that she and her brother were staying there because I too had to stay for a business party . Oh yes her brother owned a company . Sahi hai thodi der time pass ho jaega . 

They both looked at me as I too stayed ,

" I have a business party to attend here after like an hour " I told them 

" We too have to attend that party , why don't we all wait together in the restraunt " She suggested

Okay , her voice was sweet and screamed confidence . Her brother agreed and I ofc had no problem . We walked to a private room after asking our gaurds to stay out and not let media enter . 

" So...." her brother trailed confused on what we should do for an hour . 

I know they wanted to have some fun even at the party they were bored , 

" Antakshari ? " I smiled as I saw both of their smiles widening or actually hers 

We counted and Rahul was the first to go , he sang and it was my turn with letter ' s '

I chose " saathiyan " and felt good because it was the first time I have sung infront of strangers because i felt comfortable with them and hell with ' king isn't allowed to '

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