10. Cynosure.

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Alarick found himself alone, confronted with a stack of clothes resting on the bed. Accalia had provided instructions on how to get dressed. Yet, the idea felt constricting and suffocating.

Instead, he stood before the full-length mirror, observing his awkward limbs and unfamiliar physique. It was his first time finally witnessing the change that had occurred to his body. He watched his reflection as he lifted an arm.

In place of paws, he now possessed elongated fingers that flexed tentatively. The nails were shorter and lacked the lethal sharpness he once wielded.  His hand skimmed the smoothness of his skin. The thick fur that once covered him had diminished, leaving behind a fine layer of hair that was not as dense as it had been in his lupine form. His ears were rounded, unlike their original pointed shape. Even his posture felt different, more upright compared to the instinctual hunch of a wolf.

Alarick had surprisingly grown used to walking on two legs, though he felt disoriented on more than one occasion. He felt taller, viewing everything from a higher vantage point than he was accustomed to.

Glancing down at his private parts, a frown creased his brow. "Humans are so vulnerable and exposed."

With a deep breath, he reached for the garments meant to conceal his newfound humanity.

After several attempts, Alarick finally slid his arms through the sleeves and pulled the pants up his legs. Surprisingly, he didn't dislike how the fabric felt against his skin. On the contrary, he found the black shirt pleasantly soft and the stretchy bottoms comfortable.

The socks were tolerable, but the shoes felt somewhat constricting, despite being the right size. Initially loose, they had gradually conformed to his feet. Alarick didn't even blink at the spectacle. It was evident that this place overflowed with magic.

So, instead, he stood before the mirror once more. Vivid greys stared back at him. 

He looked different. He felt different.

He was different.

With a deep inhale, he set out in search of his Moon. Initially awkward, his gait gradually changed as he got used to the leather encasing his feet.

The castle glowed with vibrant flames casting blue hues across the corridors, while chandeliers illuminated the grand halls

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The castle glowed with vibrant flames casting blue hues across the corridors, while chandeliers illuminated the grand halls. Accalia stood in the same spot as the previous night. This time, however, she was awaiting his arrival.

Her gaze swept over his approaching figure with approval, and, as if drawn by an invisible force, she found herself standing before him.

His steps faltered as he devoured her with his eyes. Her locks cascaded down her back, waves crashing against his heart. She, too, had changed, adorning herself in a gown of purity and innocence–draped in fabric woven by light and life, and embellished with golden embroidery. 

A corset hugged her torso, accentuating her figure and enhancing her curves. The dress trailed behind her, hiding her legs from his sight but leaving her enticing neck exposed for his unabashed admiration. His gaze lingered on the off-shoulder sleeves, following their elegant lines as they ended below her elbows.

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