Chapt.2-Bad Omens Start With Suzy&Bob.

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I have yet to tell my dad about the police's theory, but I have a feeling that that is exactly what's going on. I just said 'that' twice and it made sense. What.

Anyways, I have yet to tell him because I'm going to go get this girl, whoever she is, and turn her in. She has no right to take my name and money and IDENTITY. There cannot be another Shea Smith roaming around doing illegal things, only to have me there to clean up the mess. I will get this chick, no matter what.

I had gotten this epiphany from my conversation on the phone a couple of minutes ago.

It went a little something like this:


"Yo, Smith, right?" A male voice. Manly, like he was bald and covered in tattoos and was a mechanic. Why my image of this guy was so vivid, I'm not sure.

"Uh, yeah."

"You're a girl."

Oh snap, we got Sherlock over here! "I know...?" (What does one say when someone else tells you your gender?)

"Are you like, another one of Smith's girlfriends or something?"

OH MY GOD MY IMPERSONATOR IS LESBIAN. Not that there's anything wrong with lesbians, but I don't want other people thinking I'M lesbian. Now what do I say?

And this was the moment my epiphany came. Maybe I can find the other chick from this guy!

"Sure... What do you need again?"

"I'm delivering some... Stuff to Smith. Which address do I use? I have one listed in L.A. and one in Tampa, so..."

Score! "Um, the one in Tampa... Could you read it to me to see if it's the right one?"

He read it to me like a sitting duck and I eagerly wrote the address down on a nearby napkin.

"That's the one, thanks for everything!" And I hung up, grinning.

Genius , if I do say so myself.

So now, I'm currently packing my stuff to go to Tampa, Florida. I had told my dad I was going camping with one of my friends and he had given the okay. Yes, coming from a girl who has no friends, he actually bought that.

I don't even know why I'm doing this. I guess I just want an adventure or something. Oh, and my identity back of course.

I slipped the napkin with the address into the pocket of my jeans. Well, off to the airport, I guess.


While I was squished between an old married couple, I wondered if getting my identity back was even worth it. I also wondered if I ever wanted to get married some day because if this was what happened in the old ages then I clearly don't want to sign up for it.

"Suzy, it's cold!" The old man from my left side complained. I don't think he realizes he's yelling in my ear. Actually, I don't think he even knows I'm here, due to the fact that he keeps getting into my personal space to get closer to Suzy (I'm guessing that's what the old lady's name is).

"Then use the blanket, Bob, it's not rocket science!" Suzy yelled back. When she talked, a shower of saliva sprinkled on me. Ew. Hasn't she ever heard of 'Say it, don't spray it'?!

"But it has germs," Bob said, thrusting the airplane supplied blanket towards Suzy to prove a point. Sadly enough, since I was one of the obstacle courses to get to Suzy, Bob had thrusted the blanket in my face. I choked on fluff and thought I'd never see tomorrow.

Suzy snatched the blanket away, thank the heavens, and I breathed again. But honestly, I think I'd rather choke on the blanket then drown in Suzy's spit.

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