Chapt.3-Realizations Come Too Late.

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I spent the rest of my flight huddled in a seat at the very back of the plane, and now my legs are so cramped, I had to limp.

I made my way very slowly and painfully to the luggage claim and quickly grabbed my small pink suit case when I saw it. Thank God that didn't take too long.

I made my way to the exit but I can barely concentrate, my legs throbbed with pain every time I took a step. I reached down and rubbed them a little, thinking maybe that would make it feel better. It worked a little but I saw my black converse were untied.

Is it bad that this is the best that has happened in the past day?

Sighing, I struggled to bend down further to tie the dumb things but a different pair of tan hands got there before me.

I looked up, confused, only to meet those weird blue-maybe-green-maybe-brown eyes.

Red Hood.

I glared at him. "The nerve you have."

He smiled but didn't say anything, focusing on making bunny ears, looping under, and pulling tight on my laces. "Done."

"Thanks," I said. Maybe this guy isn't half bad after all. "So... Where are you headed?"

He stood up, flicking his red hood up over his head. "Home. I live here, in Tampa. I was just visiting my grandma in California."

I nodded my head politely to show I was listening but I was really thinking about transportation. Hitch hike with a perverted (but helpful) stranger or get a taxi, where the driver might be a sweaty fat dude smoking cigarettes while demanding for high tips. Hmm. Maybe I'm just giving myself an excuse to get a ride with Red Hood. I mean, he is cute.

"Do you mind giving me a ride?"


"So... Where do you need to go?" Red Hood asked, pulling out of the airport parking lot.

"Uh... I pulled the napkin where I had scribbled the address on out of my back pocket and read it. "Uh... Just drop me off in front of the neighborhood called Medal Pointe. You know where that is?" I figured I could walk to the house, no need to show this guy my exact destination.

"Really?" He looked amused. "Yes I do, I live in that neighborhood," he smiled crookedly, making his one cheek rise up higher than the other, showing a cute dimple.

"Oh? Cool..." I thought maybe he could help me get my identity stealing chick back to Cali... Some girls need a motivation before going to jail and perhaps a hot dude will suffice.

I thought about what I was gonna say to the girl when I found her. Something like 'My dad is really pissed about me spending all this money, but it was actually you and not me... So all I need you to do is come with me to L.A. and tell my dad you were the one who did it and we cancel the credit card and everything will be fine. No cops or anything.'

But really, the police are there, but they're hiding. And then once they hear her say that she did in fact steal my identity, they can come out of their hiding spots and arrest her. Pretty good plan if I do say so myself.

"So..." Red Hood said, drawing out that one syllable.

Oh crap, I realized I made the silence really awkward while I was day dreaming.

"So... Uh. What's your name?" I quickly said to make things less awkward. I was actually happy with what I said because referring to him as Red Hood was actually quite weird.

"Shea," he answered automatically, like he was going to forget the name if he waited too long.

"Really?! My name is Shea, too!" Shea isn't a very common name so this was a happy coincidence. I decided to press on to see how far my luck would go. "Is your name short for something or is it just Shea?"

"Uh yeah, it's short for..." He blinked a couple times as if he had to think about what his full name was. "Um... Seamus... Yeah. Seamus."

Oh my gosh. "Mine is too!" I squealed happily. I don't know why I was so elated over having the same name with this stranger, but I was.

"Uh... Really? Seamus is more of a boy name..." Shea said uncertainly. Hmm... Calling him Shea is weird. I feel like I'm talking in third person.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. This was number one in my book of Really-Annoying-Phrases-People-Tell-Me-Very-Often. "Well Taylor is also a boy name but that didn't stop my parents from making it my middle name."

Shea gripped the wheel tighter all of the sudden, and his eyes turned a dark shade of brown with stormy ocean highlights. "Seamus Taylor?" He asked. His voice sounded off somehow. "What's your last name?" I could clearly tell he was struggling to loosen up.

My eyebrows pulled together. Why was he trying so hard to be nonchalant all the sudden? "Uh..." I fumbled for words, his weird behavior was throwing me off. "Smith."

All the sudden Shea jerked the wheel sideways and my head knocked on the window because of stupid gravity. I reached up on the 'Oh Shit!' handle from above and put my other hand on the dashboard, panicking.

By now, Shea had pulled into a random parking lot in some random shopping plaza. His eyes were crazy now, blue-green-brown now muddled to almost black.

"What the hell," I said breathlessly. "What the flipping hell was that?!" I whacked him on the arm but he caught my hand in a strong grip.

"You need to leave." He squeezed my hand tighter.

I was confused. First he pats down my boobs, then he ties my shoes and gives me ride, now he's making me leave? "What? Why? What's wrong with you?! Can you at least drive me where I need to go? I've never been to Tampa and I don't want to get lost!"

Shea took a deep breath and let go of my now throbbing hand. He got out of the car and rounded to the other side -my side- and yanked the door open. "Sounds like a personal issue. Get out."

I blinked. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Get out."

Stunned, I had no choice but to obey. What the hell is going on?

He nodded stiffly and turned around. But not before he turned his head back and "Have a nice life, Seamus Taylor Smith," He tossed this comment at me like it was a joke. He got back in his silver car and sped off, leaving me stranded near Dick's Sporting Goods. Huh. So that's what that was. This place was where one of the mysterious receipts had come from...

Wait a minute...

My eyes darted to the decorative palm trees swaying, to the cars in the parking lot, then to 'Dick's Sporting Goods'. My eyes kept going back and forth between my surroundings until it all blurred into one pile of mishappen art projects.

It clicked for me right then.


I'm not sure about a lot of things, but some things I had managed to figure out.

1 -That bastard just drove off with my suitcase in the trunk of his car.

2- My legs are still sore and my damn shoes somehow untied themsleves again.

3- 'Shea' (aka Red Hood) is my identity thief.

I'm sure of it. All of the clues add up; How he had trouble remembering his 'name', the way he froze up when he knew my first and middle name, and how he went crazy when I told him my full name.

But what really tied it up was the fact that he was a perv, that explained why he bought so many condoms. And then when he swerved the car right into the parking lot of Dick's Sporting Goods like he was very familiar with this place... That's when I was sure.

But I was too stupid and shell-shocked to do anything about it.

4- Now that I know who my identity thief is, I'm driven with this insane need to get him now more than ever.

He can bet on it.


Well, well, well... I updated faster than I thought I would... Also, the legs cramps came from an actual experience on a recent plane ride I had.

Yes, I had to hobble across America xD

Anyways... Vote and Comment guys, I wanna know what you think(:

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