chapter 12

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Author pov.

Yn was talking to that guy not knowing someone was watching her interaction with that man with burning eyes . His glaring dark eyes digging holes in her head. He just wanted to go there and pull her away from the men. He was noone other than hoseok. He was just passing by from there bcoz he wanted to see her but now he regret it. He is angry really angry . 

He clenched his jaw when he saw her walking away but that dude's never leaving her . He is a man and can tell he started to like her but he doesn't like it even a bit.

He was confused about his own feelings one side he wanted to make her life a hell on other side he doesn't want anyone else than him by her side . Why he is jealous when he lost every bit of love for her the same day she betrayed them .

He started to follow her without her knowledge. She was walking mindlessly, she doesn't even have any idea about her surrounding.

She reached her apartment with tired body and mind . She was about to close her door just then hoseok put his leg before it could close making her wide alert . She looked up and gasped seeing his angry face .

She could not understand why he is here but one thing for sure he doesn't have any good intentions for her . She tried hard to close the door but her week body could not use same power as him . With a little bit more efforts he jerked open the door making her step back with wide eyes in fear.

"W-what do you want .g-get out....I SAID GET OUT !!" She shouted loudly try to be dominate . But he was unaffected..both of them are aware that the area she lives in safe and dangerous at the same time for living alone since noone really come here after midnight since most of the area is park and other side is deep forest with hills .

"Who was that man" he asked with grinding teeths while taking steps closer to her making her step back in fear . She looked here and there to run but unfortunately her apartment was not so big . She turned around to run towards her room but he was fast enough to get hold of her bag and pulled her back making her back collide with his front.

He turned her around in jiffy and put her on his shoulder with a angry look on his face . She struggled in his hold .but he was stronger than her weak body .

He kicked opened door of her room and took her directly to her attached bathroom. He put her on floor and hold her close to him. She started to thrash in his hold

"Let me go .....what are doing?? Leave me " she was shouting at him but he was unaffected by all of this . She started to punch his chest to get herself free . He took both her hands and hold them behind her back with his one hand , pulling her closer to him .

She wanted to get away from him , his presence was suffocating her .

"Stop...." he growled loudly making her stop. Out of all of them his anger is worst . Her heart started to beat in fear when he looked in her eyes with a burning glare .

He looked away from her eyes towards shower valve without wasting any second he turned it making water water pour above them . She flinched when cold water touched her skin . She tried to free herself but he was holding her tightly.

"Let me go .what are you doing. Stop......" She screamed in anger but all her voice come to stop when his lips met hers . Her eyes widened in shock .

She missed it she missed his lips and everything about him. A memory of their first kiss flashed in front of her eyes . His lips still felt the same like before but things have changed now this time he was not pouring love and care in his kiss but anger and hatred .

He was kissing her roughly. He was biting her lips harshly making her feel pain . When she comes into her senses   she tried hard to free herself from him and jerked him away making him stumbled back .

He panted heavily while glaring at her . Both of their lips red and lightly swollen. Water pouring on them making them wet . She was drenched from head to toe same goes for him . Her wet hairs sticking to her face.

"Have you gone crazy " she shouted at him wiping her lips with back of her hand making him more angry .He stepped towards her and pinned her to shower cubicle.


He let his anger out on her . His eyes softened when he saw tears flowing from her eyes and getting mixed with water . Things are different now but somewhere within deep he still love her . Both of their lives are messed up where neither they can forgive her nor they hurt her . They said love is most difficult feeling in this world and  noone knows better than him .

His heart was in chaos . He could not control himself and pulled her closer to him by her waist and put his lips on her . He started to move his lips slowly on her . Both of their eyes closed enjoying this feeling.

This feeling of longing. If he could stop this time he would willing live in this moment forever.he put his one hand on her cheek making her lean on his touch .She kissed him back softly their hearts beating at same rhythm . He broke that kiss , which was enough to show their desperation for eachother's. He put his forehead on her while his tears fall from his eyes which she could not see .

"Why?...why you did that to me us ..just why" he asked in tired voice.

"What if I was forced to do that ?" She questioned him back . Hearing her he looked up in her eyes with deep meaning. He tried to find lie behind her words. 

"I will not believe you. You have broken my trust alot of times . All you did was lie .tell me a single truth you told me . " Both of them know that he is right from the start all she did was lie first to break them and then to save them .

"That I love you all and will do anything for you all .It was the only  truth that I told you " she said looking at his eyes . But hearing her he scoffed and started to laugh while clapping and throwing his head back like he heared biggest joke of his life  .

But suddenly he stopped and took her hand and pinned them on her back making her moan in pain . Accidentally he was holding the same hand which she hurted today . He was holding it really tight .

"Lies and It is biggest lie you ever told me never loved me yn ..all that mattered for you was your so called duty and you know what now all that matters to making you feel the same pain we felt...... from today my revenge and your bad time starts..." he glared coldly in her eyes with so much hatred and anger with putting pressure on her hand more. He was aware that she is in pain but it gave a weird satisfaction for his hatred.

"Leave my hand is paining" she was in so much pain yet he didn't left her hand .

"Pain??? Oh love you don't even have any idea what is coming for you from now on ." He chuckled like a psycho . The man who could not see tears in her eyes was hurting her but all of this was just start of a vengeance.

"From now on this pain is all what you will feel... remember our promise.....our swear on your love ....yes.... from now on we will fulfill this promise...we will make your life worse than hell." He said those venomous world while looking at her eyes .

"We will snatch your happiness, your self respect,your dignity, your pride everything.... every second of your life you will wish to be dead ....I am giving you sometime to runaway bcoz in our next meet i will show you what is true  vengeance. "

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