Chapter 7

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     I had so many thoughts going through my mind that I didn't even realize Zyaire and Axl were shaking me, trying to gain my attention. "Koa." Axl said loudly. I escaped my thoughts and immediately looked over at him. We were now sitting on the bed after washing off, and I couldn't help but get worried. "Yes?"

     "What is wrong?" Axl asked, petting through my soft and wet hair. "His back.." I mumbled, unable to speak above a whisper. I noticed them looking at each other, and Zyaire remained with his same face. I liked it better when he wasn't so tough looking, but I knew I had to earn it if I wanted to see anything other than that. "Ahh. I suppose we should tell you now, isn't that right, Zyaire?" I watched as Zyaire shivered from his words, but it didn't look like a good way. My eyes squinted in confusion. "Zyaire and me weren't always on good terms. Our past, was somewhat similar to yours," he smiled. "What do you mean?"

     "Well, long ago my father was ruling this place and I was coming of age to where I needed to take his role. I happened to come across little Zyaire during the time I was desperate for someone, and I couldn't just let my little mate go, now could I?" Axl smiled at me very sweetly, and I already had a bad feeling about what he was saying. I knew he was leaving out a lot of stuff but I guessed it wasn't something I was allowed to hear yet. "There was only one problem, and that was that Zyaire didn't like me. So, naturally I had to keep him safe and in reach so I kept him in my room. Of course, he tried to escape but I couldn't let that happen, so, I was left no choice but to cut his sweet, precious little wings off. He was devastated, but he knows it was for his own good. Right Zyaire?"

     I looked over at Zyaire, unable to think or do anything else. His eyes went from me to Axl. "That's right," he answered firmly. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but for some reason I couldn't react with anything but calmness, like I was being drugged. "But.. how could you ever forgive someone for that..?" I whispered, but not harshly. I didn't want to upset neither one of them. I was guessing I wasn't supposed to ask that because I didn't receive an answer. I was going to apologize but was interrupted by Axl leaning down to me on his lap and kissing my neck, purposefully hitting my favorite spot. This was very distracting, and I felt as if he knew that. I moaned out, unable to keep quiet. "Wait.. Axl s- hah..~.. s-stop for a moment."

     I could feel his smile from behind which told me all I needed to know. I looked up and raised my hands out for Zyaire to pick me up, and he did just that. Without hesitating, he walked over and grabbed me, pulling my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. "It was for my own good, that's why I forgave him. I would go through it all again if it meant I could come back." Zyaire rubbed my back as he spoke which was very comforting, it put me at ease. "Like.." I hesitated, "like how I forgave you for cutting my tendons?" I could feel his grip loosen slightly. "Yes, that's exactly right. You're so smart, such a smart little puppy aren't you?"

     I smiled at his praise and attention, wanting more from them both. But that reminded me. So does that mean Axl is the more dominant one between the two..? That makes no sense, I wouldn't believe that for a second. I let out a soft giggle which grabbed the attention of them both. "What are you over here giggling about?" I looked up and smiled at him, yawning in the process. "Well enough of that. We can talk about it in the morning," Zyaire interrupted as he carried me to bed, setting me down on Axl. "Are you staying in here tonight?"

     "We were planning on it, unless you don't want us too," Axl said as he began to get comfortable. "No no I want you too," I laid my head on his chest while Zyaire got down beside us. "Goodnight." And with that I received a kiss from the both of them before slowly drifting to sleep, and of course they waited until I fell asleep before they did too.


     I began to regain my consciousness back after a few hours of sleep. There were no windows in here so I had no clue as to what time it was but I was sure it hadn't of been a full night yet. I gently began to rise off of Axl. We were still in the same position but we had slightly moved around. I couldn't help but smile when I noticed the two cuddled up to each other. Zyaire began to breathe heavier so I took this as the chance so lift myself off of them and head to the bathroom. I tried my best to be quiet but my big build made that difficult. "Where are you going?" The sudden voice made me jump out of my skin and stop all of my movements. "I- the bathroom," I whispered as my heart still raced. "You should of gotten one of us first," Axl said as he sat up. He remained calm and relaxed as always. "I didn't want to wake you.."

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