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بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Meaning :- "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful."


The girl walked down the streets quickly towards her house in the evening of autumn when the sun and moon appeared in the same sky at distance.

                     ??? POV

I stood across the street smoking cigarette with my so called 'friends' discussing about the girls, money, drugs etc.

Min Yoongi30 years oldCold, cruel, has trust issues and trust very few of his closest peoples He's underworld mafia boss and  owner of 'MIN ENTERPRISE'He's known as 'Suga' in his Mafia boss identityHe do illegal things such as like drug dealing, s...

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Min Yoongi
30 years old
Cold, cruel, has trust issues and trust very few of his closest peoples
He's underworld mafia boss and  owner of 'MIN ENTERPRISE'
He's known as 'Suga' in his Mafia boss identity
He do illegal things such as like drug dealing, smuggling and uses girls for his own needs.

Roaming my eyes everywhere my eyes caught a figure of a girl, all covered... Should I say wired...? She was all covered from head to toe only her eyes could be seen...
I have never seen any girl like this before. All covered...? Her eyes caught my attention most even if she didn't saw me i examined her from head to toe.
The thought to approach her crept up in my brain and I couldn't help but took a step forward to chase her since she kept walking away lowering her gaze. I took another step when one of my so called 'friend' interrupted...

''hey, what happened where are you going...?'' David spoke.

''mind your business.'' i said in my cold voice usually taking more steps in her directions and my eyes still stuck on that girl who's going to disappear soon.

''if you're thinking about that girl then forget it, man.'' David spoke as he followed me and my gaze as well.

''why...? Who are you to stop me..?'' i looked at him with dead eyes.

''she's a Muslim girl, she can't be yours...'' David spoke.

''I'll make her mine, for sure. Don't forget who I'm. I can do anything in my power.'' i spoke smirking.

I stared that girl walking away then an idea popped in my mind i quickly took my mobile phone from my pocket and clicked the photo of that girl.

(just imagine she's far away from him)

Eshaal MansoorMuslim23 years oldSimple, kind and loving girlShe's in the second year of her degree of fashion designShe has one young sister only

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Eshaal Mansoor
23 years old
Simple, kind and loving girl
She's in the second year of her degree of fashion design
She has one young sister only

''Man, are you serious...? This pic is blurry.'' David spoke chuckling.

''No, I'm Min Yoongi. I can see it also, just don't speak nonsense to me.'' i scoffed irritated from the fact that the pic isn't clear i clicked of that girl.

''i said the fact...'' David spoke.

''princess, I'll search you and will surely make you mine.'' i thought internally smirking staring that girl who disappeared from my sight soon.

??? POV

I reached home taking my shoes off and removing the niqab from my face, as i walked into living room saying, ''Assalamu-aly-kum.''
I heard the female voice along with my parent's voice as they responded ''walaykum-assalam.''

I looked at the guests along with my parents as they all were
seated in living room ''aunty...''

I was surprised to see my aunt, my mother's sister. She's really a nice person.

''How are you eshaal...?'' aunt spoke.

I sat down on the couch across her after shaking hands with her and she patted my head,
''I'm fine, alhamdulillah... What about you...?'' i asked.

''I'm also fine, Just these both make me tired always.'' aunt spoke addressing her both kids who looked at her with their innocent eyes but they're really troublemaker sometimes.

I chuckled softly then spoke. "Mashallah, they both grew up really fast."

"yes... And so does you." aunt replied.

"yes, I've to grew up, I'm going to my room to perform my asar salah, I'll be back." i spoke getting up from the couch.

"you raised her so well, halima" aunt said to my mother as I stepped into my room.

Changing my abaya into comfortable clothes i did ablution and prayed asar salah. After praying salah and small zikar i walked out from my room to help my mother in kitchen or other work.


I sat in my office staring out from the window looking at the city and dark sky taking long drags of cigarette and exhaling heavily, lost deep into my thoughts just then someone knocked on the door of my office breaking the trail of my thoughts, I glanced at the door then spoke in my usual cold tone throwing the cigarette in ash tray, ''come in.''

The door opened as my secretary walked in then spoke,
"Mr. Min the information about that girl can't be found.''

I glared at my secretary then spoke in cold voice, "why...? Why it can't be found...?"

I saw the secretary is kinda nervous and scared but who cares anyways...

"Mr. Min, there's no clue to find about her the pic you clicked of that girl isn't clear either we can't track about her information through only eyes which are blurred as well..." the secretary spoke trembling slightly while looking down.

"so you're telling me it's my fault for not clicking clear photo of her...? Huh..?'' i clenched my jaw as the anger rose up in me.

"no, Mr. Mi--" i cut him off.

"i don't need any excuses, all of you are so useless. Can't do any single work without mess...? I need her information anyhow... No. Matter. What." i spoke in cruel tone as the anger kept rising in me.

The secretary nodded in fear.

"get out, before I lose my temper completely..." i ordered and the secretary left my office quickly.

"useless trash..." i muttered under my breath lightning up another cigarette and taking long drag of it.

"who the damn is that girl, whom information can't be gained." i thought staring at her pic i clicked then got annoyed at the fact that who's she actually and why can't they get any information about her...


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