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'I am Free that's why I am lost'

Franz Kafka


♥︎Affection-Crystal Castles

Who is this creature in the mirror?

Why don't I recognize her?


Her cold hand grabbed the blade, blank eyes widened, staring at the mirror.

Heavy breathing, heavy body.

She sat down - fall in helplessness - on the ground when the knees gave out. Dug her fingers hard into human face, hiding from the reast of the world, from the mirror, from herself.

The face was terrifying, changing, not hers.

Sometimes it had a bigger eye, sometimes a smaller one. Mouth sometimes filled with a smile, sometimes with a bitter grimace.
What was happening?

We get what we deserve.

In her case, it's true.

Blood ran down her cheek as she lost the battle with herself - again and again; over and over until she bleeds. This loss will leave a scar that will be remembered, alweys. However, each moment of victory left no trace. Disappearing into memor, damage mind.

"Why don't I feel pain..."

She cried quietly...trying to tear off the human face.

A man with purple eyes entered the room. She quickly grabbed the mask, cringed as much as she could, clenched her hands, freezing in place like a statue. Figure of a human.

The whole body was tense, like a string.


The man was calmly cleaning the fresh wound on her cheek, while she had still trouble calming her violent breath. She felt weak - body was going to faint - probably die from these thoughts.
Mind was trapped. In a cage. Closed, with its own key.

Why was he helping her?
Why didn't he punish her for her weaknesses? He needs a strong pawn.

Don't trust him

shut up I know

He will kill you,
you're just a doll

Do I care?

He will use you and left alone

I know

It's his fault

Can you shut up finally?

You know it's their fault, not his.

Why do you care so much?

Just give up, don't fight against it. Let me-


The thoughts were a mindless scream, hitting the ears somewhere around. Sometimes the answers were even mumbled and the gaze fell on things that did not exist.

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