Chapter 7 Meeting some old friends

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Kate pov

We had just got back to the apartment and even got to feed the dog. We even all got changed into a new pair of clothes heck Liam even had a new pair of gloves on. As I was doing that I saw Clint and Liam both on their phones. Both trying to get a hold of someone. If I had to guess with Clint he was trying to get ahold of his family. Liam on the other hand I didn't know. Wanting to know who it was he was trying to get ahold of. I walked over to him and over heard him speak to himself while waiting on the phone.

Liam: *"Talking to himself"* Come on pick up the phone.

I could tell he was getting agitated and was even starting to bounce his knee up and down.

Liam: *"talking to himself"* Come on pick up........ Pick it up pick it up.

He said to himself but apparently. No one answered. Cuasing Liam to get angry enough to almost throw his phone but. Fortunately he stopped himself and just cussed out of anger.

Liam: *"talking to himself"* Dam it.

He said before taking a deep breath and started to make another call. Unlike the last one this one didn't take as long as to wait since. I heard Liam start to speak to someone on the phone.

Liam: *"talking on the phone"* Hey. Stephen. It's Liam...... Yeah you too. Hey listen umm. I was wondering if you could do me a favor?...... Well you see it's uh.... It Wanda... I'm worried about her. Especially after what I heard about with Westview and. Well when her and I both visited S.W.O.R.D and....... Yeah..... You will?.... *"Sighing out of relief"* Thanks Stephen. I appreciate it. Thanks..... And Marry Christmas to you too. Bye.

Liam said before he hung up the phone. I then saw him lay his phone down on the table before he put his face in his hands and sighing to himself. I was getting a little worried about him so I decided to check on him. I walked over and once I got close enough I laid my hand on his shoulder getting his attention as he looked at me.

Liam pov

As I was trying to think on what to do next about everything. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw it was Kate who looked at me with a concern look.

Liam: Oh. Hey.

Kate: Hey. You okay?

Liam: Yeah. Yeah I'm just..... *"Sighing"* I got something on my mind.

Kate: Like the Tracksuit guys?

Liam: *shaking my head* No..... I'm just..... I'm worried about my..... Well. I guess you can say my sister.

She looked at me confused before decided to sit next to me.

Kate: You have a sister?

Liam: Well not by blood. If that's what you mean. And no my mom didn't have a daughter. Nor did she adopted another kid.

Kate: Then who are you talking about?

Liam: Wanda.

Kate: Wait. You mean "The Scarlet witch"?

Liam: Yeah. Let's just say she see me like a little brother and. I see her like a big sister so.

Kate: Ah.

Liam: Yeah. But. Right now I can't get ahold of her. And I don't even know where she is.

Kate: When was the last time you saw her.

Liam: Back at the S.W.O.R.D base. And let's just say..... It didn't end well between "us" and S.W.O.R.D.

Kate: What happened?

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