Wine Nyphm

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It was the rainy season. The whole house groaned under the low rolls of thunder as rain patted against the windows. You sat in the living room cradled into a forest green papasan chair and thick wool blanket. Accompanied by a glass of white wine and your favorite novel. A fire crackled in the fireplace a few feet away and a few warm lamps lit the room. Upstairs a sweet melody had been playing for hours-


The sudden language made your head rise from your book and giggle as you took a sip of wine. You turned to the next page before your name was called from up the stairs. Groaning you set your book down and took a chug from the glass this time before standing. As you rose and began to walk towards the stairs the effects of your drink came out to play. Focused on staying balanced and appearing sober you approached the door in which the tune and foul mouth had come from. You knocked twice before hearing a low, "Come in."

Opening the door, you saw Andrew hunched over his workstation that featured various screens, audio, and mixing equipment. Along with a few mugs of old tea you had brought throughout the week. The rest of the room was filled with musical instruments and various large pillows and cushions.

"Hello love," said Andrew his tired eyes looking up at you as he turned in his chair. You remained in the middle of the room standing.

"How's production going," you smiled trying to keep your face from flushing.

"Absolute shit," he sighed and looked back to the desk analyzing every document and file he had open.

"I heard," you giggled now and quickly placed your hand over your mouth with wide eyes.

To this Andrew turned again and studied your face then his eyes began to trace your body before he stood up and walked over to you. He towered over you usually, but with the liquor in your system, you felt even smaller in comparison to the lofty man looking down into your eyes. His hand cupped your cheek and you took a breath in.

"Had our wine before dinner darling?" he asked his eyes now lit up with a small grin appearing at the corners of his mouth.

"I finished my work for the day, and it's absolutely pouring out so-" It was hard to finish your sentence as he kept staring down. His other hand slowly grazing at your side.

"Ah," he clicked his tongue, "which bottle."

"The honeyed wine from the market," you said slowly starting to pace back.

His eyes raised, "You said we would try it together."

You bolted in a fit of giggles as you ran from the room and down the hall, the forest man chasing after you with a smile on his face but teasing Irish curses on his tongue. You had made it down the stairs and into the living room before your feet became the enemy and you started to trip over yourself. Andrew saw this opportunity and picked you up from behind and threw you over his shoulder. Proud of himself he playfully smacked your ass.

"Owww," you slurred feeling more intoxicated, "put me down, you handsy creature."

"How many glasses," he said as he simply paced around the house holding you captive.

You lifted your head, "What," and choked back a laugh.

"Spare me," he sighed and walked towards the kitchen counter and set you down facing him. He looked down to see an empty bottle of wine on the counter. A wicked smile on your face and a grin on his as he rested both hands on the counter at either side of you. He looked into your eyes, "I thought mice would be the pests moving deep into the countryside."

You smiled and kissed his nose. He chuckled, "Instead I have a fiery little nymph in my home that steals my wine." You scoffed and put a fake hurt expression on but before you could object he kissed you. The kiss was slow and tender and he slipped his tongue into your mouth with ease. You easily returned the favor, kissing him could get anyone drunk and now you were wasted. He pulled away but stayed close to your face, "I can taste your crime love."

"Guilty," was all you had to say before he crashed back into you and a moan escaped from your lips at the action. He took the back of your neck in his hands and pulled your head back a little to expose it for him to trail sweet soft kisses down to your collarbone until he bit you. Normally you would have smacked him, but the pinch of pain mixed with the pleasure of wine created a new kind of euphoria. Slowly you nudged for his face to kiss him again and with one hand supporting himself the other teased at your boxers you had on. He looked down, "these are mine too."

Quickly you hopped off the counter turned towards him and pulled them off laying everything below your waist bare, "so is this," you smiled.

He looked feral now. His eyes drank in your body and you removed your top. Evidence grew in his pants as you could see his bulge.

"Devil woman," he breathed and lunged for you. Lifting you and wrapping you around his waist as he walked toward the couch and laid you down. You let out a breath as you felt your weight be consumed by the cushion and he wasted no time in trailing your figure with sloppy kisses. You squirmed under his touch and his mouth found your heat. You groaned as he gave a few sloppy licks.

"Mmm," he started, "this puts that poor winemaker to shame." You gripped his hair as he remained feasting then pulled his face up. He looked at you and tried to go back for more, but you placed your hand under his chin to create a barrier.

"I want you," you breathed, "Now."

"Who am I to deny such a request."

With that, he removed his shirt and leaned over you kissing you. You fiddled with his jeans and forced them down. He moved his hands up to remove his boxers. He placed his erection just at the entrance before rubbing it slowly over you. He met your eyes, "What do you say, love."

"Please Andrew," you begged.

He hummed in response.


"So desperate," and with that he filled you. A loud moan echoed into the room and you pulled him close your hands gripping his back as he set the pace. His face was close and buried in your neck.

"You drive me absolutely mad," he huffed into your ear to which you could only reply with a small whimper. He picked up the pace and you were so close already, that your body began to twitch. He let out a low chuckle, "Giving up already?"

You let out a groan again.

"That wine is so cruel," you finally exhaled.

"So are you," he grunted, "I'm almost there."

With that, a wicked look flashed in your eyes and you bit his neck and matched the pace with your hips pushing him deeper.

"Fuck," was all he could breathe out before he came and you found yourself finishing as well but kept grinding until you could get every last bit of pleasure out of him. He finally groaned and hunched over you looking into your eyes, sweat starting to form at his hairline.

You smiled, "We bought two bottles."

With this, he pulled away and laughed. He then found the wool blanket from your reading nook and tossed it on you. You sat up and looked at him as he walked over to the fridge, stark naked, and opened it to find the second bottle. He placed it down on the counter and looked up at you.

"Should I start dinner or," he asked.

"Open her up," you said.

And with a wicked smile he did, crossing back to you bottle in hand.

"Time for round two."

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