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Chapter 71 Verifying whether Song Yuan is qualified

Song Yuan did not continue speaking because he could not continue.

Next to her, Mei Xue had already burst into tears. They had just bought this small villa. They thought that good times were coming, but never thought...

In the end, Si Nan only gave him one sentence: "Okay, I agree to your surrender. Don't worry, as long as you follow me loyally and complete the tasks I asked you, your wife and children will not run out of food."

"Thank you, I won't betray you." Song Yuan looked at Si Nan's promise excitedly, and almost burst into tears regardless of the image of a grown man. From now on, his wife and children can live on, facing Si Nan's words across the other residents. The villa bows 90 degrees.

However, the next piece of information was enough to make Song Yuan's blood boil with excitement and fear.

Si Nan said, "Look at your courage, I have milk powder for pregnant women."

"Thank you, thank you, I'll be ready to go right away." Song Yuan agreed immediately without any hesitation, milk powder for pregnant women, as long as he has this wife and child, he will have enough nutrition.

But Mei Xue became suspicious, "Husband, don't you think it's strange? How can an unmarried girl have milk powder for pregnant women?"

Song Yuan was excitedly putting on his fur coat, "Wife, I believe in her, wait for me."

"But there are so many zombies outside, and our home is several houses away from theirs. How can you survive? Can you come back safely?"

Mei Xue still disagreed and was unwilling to risk her husband. But after she reduced the amount of milk in the past few days, coupled with the lack of fresh vegetables and other foods, her weight dropped sharply.

It doesn't matter to her, she is just afraid that the baby will be unhealthy, especially since she is in the third trimester of pregnancy and needs a lot of nutrition. Her husband already only eats one meal a day, and she can't imagine it continuing like this.

If she had to sacrifice her husband...how could she be willing to do so!

But this abominable reality forced her to give up trying to stop her husband, "Wait a moment, I will help you take protective measures. If not, I will be even more uneasy."

"Okay, don't worry, wife, I will definitely come back alive for you and the baby. If, I mean just in case, I turn into a zombie and come back, you must not open the door for me, remember?"

When Song Yuan thought of this, he immediately reminded his wife.

"You are not allowed to say this. You will definitely come back alive. I believe in your strength." Mei Xue covered Song Yuan's mouth. Even though it was a lie, she wanted to deceive herself and her husband.

"Okay." Song Yuan stood still, smiling and letting his wife give him three layers of 'dressing'.

Si Nan sent a message to remind him that the first part was to teach him how to deal with zombies, and the second part was the key point. "When you cut open the zombies' heads on the way here, if you see something shiny like a diamond, remember to put it away and give it to me."

Song Yuan looked at it and didn't understand what strange thing Si Nan was talking about, but he immediately replied with the word "Okay".

Twenty minutes later, Song Yuan, who was fully armed, set off. The moment the courtyard door opened, zombies who heard the movement came and surrounded him, "This?"

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