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Chapter 151 She wins!

Here, Si Nan was killing like crazy. She had never killed an enemy so much in her previous life. What was more important was that she also captured a lot of guns and ammunition. It was so enjoyable.

She wins!

Because she solved almost everyone by sneak attacks. Except for wasting more than a dozen bullets, all the other equipment was there. She just picked it up for nothing, hahaha~

Although Rosen is here, the zombies don't dare to approach now, but there are always zombies and zombies and these stupid fools who have to deal with them personally. There are a lot of weapons in her space, but of course the more the better.

If one day she faced an army of thousands of corpses alone, her flesh and blood alone would not be enough. Moreover, what if you win a fight with zombies? You can't win anything. If you don't win, you will lose your life. You will lose but not gain, so running away to save your life is the best way.

At this moment, she was using the surrounding obstructions to quickly approach the helicopter, find the best place to hide, and then while the three people in the cabin were still arguing, she pointed her gun at the three mercenaries on the side of the helicopter and "shoo" Three shots.

The bullets pierced the air silently and headed towards the three mercenaries who stood there as if they were nailed to death.

However, they were keen, and one of them noticed something was wrong. He immediately looked up and looked in front of him, and suddenly found a dangerous black spot shooting towards his heart.

He immediately shouted: "No, there is an enemy sneak attack."



"Get down quickly!"

But it's too late!

Three bullets hit two of them, and the tall body fell to the ground. However, this was not over at all. When the keen mercenary fired at Si Nan's direction, Si Nan's three bullets had already been shot, and It targeted three vital points on his forehead, heart, and abdomen.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" The other three people reacted quickly, running over and shooting wildly at the place where Si Nan's bullets came from, but Si Nan was no longer where she was just now.

In an instant, four more bullets were fired, one for each person, which was very fair.

"Ah, get out of the way...ah!" The mercenary at the tail of the plane immediately squatted down, trying to avoid the incoming bullet, but the bullet hit him instead. He was hit in the thigh, and he knelt on the ground with one leg. Howling in pain.

Two more of the other three died. At this moment, there were a total of nineteen mercenaries, including the mercenary captain, and only three were left. One of them had his thigh penetrated and was bleeding.

"Sister Nan is so cool!" In the security monitoring room, Bai Zichuan and others were excited and frightened as they watched Si Nan defeat so many enemies by himself.

"Sister Nan is still amazing. If she hadn't been here today, we would be dead now." Guan Xiaowen didn't dare to think about it, his face was still pale now.

"Yes, thanks to Sister Nan." Bai Rong held her son Bai Zhuangzhuang, not daring to let his son see such a bloody scene, but the little guy opened his mother's fingers and kept peeking.

"Yeah, when I grow up, I want to be as powerful as Sister Nan."

"Little cutie, you are inferior. We call her Sister Nan, and you have to call her Auntie." Guan Xiaowen pinched his fair little face and corrected him.

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