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Chapter 81 I'll give you a chance to kill me in front of me

When the seven people reacted, they quickly turned back and ran upstairs to get their weapons.

Si Nan looked at the backs of the seven people and gave an order: "Stop them."

"Yes!" Ma Bufan's legs were too long, so he ran first, followed closely by Song Yuan, Bai Zichuan, and Guan Xiaoning.

Si Nan and Guan Xiaowen walked slowly behind. Guan Xiaowen couldn't believe that she was picked up by Sister Nan. Until now, she thought she was dreaming. Looking at the breathtakingly beautiful Si Nan next to her, she wanted to immediately become a man and marry her.

A minute later, the two sides were divided.

Si Nan leaned on the sofa and looked at the seven people opposite him. He glanced at the furnishings in the room and said in a cold voice, "Well, I have good vision. I grabbed this big villa."

She changed the subject and said coldly, "You are using drones to monitor me, right? You just want to take away my house and supplies? Oh, and there should be that armored vehicle outside."

At this point, Shi Yong couldn't help but admit it, "Yes, you can also come and steal my supplies. This is the way the world is now, the weak eat the strong."

He could not imagine that a woman in her early twenties could frighten him, a man who had been in entertainment venues for half his life, the moment she opened her mouth.

Si Nan looked Shi Yong up and down with his beautiful eyes, and said in a neither salty nor cool tone, "Well, I'm very enlightened. In the last days, the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle, so at the beginning, you led these people to bloodbath three buildings and took away their supplies. They all gathered here with you."

Shi Yong's two triangular eyes felt frightened. Even she knew this, how could it happen? He pretended to be calm and said, "Aren't you the same? Whether you can survive or not depends on your own ability."

"Bah, what qualifications does a scum like you have to compete with Sister Nan?" Ma Bufan raised his hand and pointed at Shi Yong with a kitchen knife.

"Boy, don't be so loud, be careful not to scream for a while." Chen Ding, who was next to Shi Yong, threatened Ma Bufan in turn.

"Fuck, I'll kill you now." Ma Bufan was about to rush out.

Si Nan raised her hand to stop Ma Bufan. She turned around and lectured Ma Bufan, "Why are you angry with a pug? Watch and learn."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sudden "bang" shot, and Chen Ding fell to the ground. A bullet hit Chen Ding between the eyebrows, and a stream of blood flowed down Chen Ding's eye sockets. Chen Ding didn't even have time to scream. , just died.

The scary thing is that even Shi Yong, who was standing next to Chen Ding, didn't see clearly how Si Nan made the move. Her speed was too fast!

The fear in his heart suddenly soared, and he felt the threat of death!

The charming woman standing behind Shi Yong was frightened out of her mind, "Ah, brother Yong, please beg her quickly. If you beg her, you won't die, and I won't have to die either. She is the one you like." A woman, as long as you beg..."

"Get out!" Shi Yong slapped the woman with his backhand, knocking her unconscious.

Si Nan's eyes were suddenly filled with murderous intent, "Xiao miss me? I will make you die miserably. So, don't you want to take my house and supplies? Don't bother, I will kill you on the spot once My chance."

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