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Chapter 171 Watch me blow you to pieces

Rosen suddenly moved. He flew up to the roof, climbed up the wall, and rushed after the helicopter with a rocket launcher. His strong body seemed to be weightless. He leaped to the top of the tall tree, aimed at one of the helicopters and pulled the trigger. trigger.


Ruined, crashed!

Then came the second one: "Bang!"

Exploded and shattered!

However, the last one flew away and escaped.

Just as Rosen was about to jump out of the wall to pursue him, a large cannonball chased an aurora, tearing the air in front of him, and disappeared in a flash with a "whoosh" sound.

After the helicopter discovered the danger, it immediately changed its direction and flew in an S-shaped position. Unfortunately, it had been locked and could not escape the fate of being bombarded. After a precise "pound" sound, the mountain collapsed and the ground was shattered. Hit, exploded, leaving only scattered firelight falling from the sky.

Rosen smiled and turned his head, and from below came the clear scolding of Si Nan: "You bitch, you are almost blown to pieces and I still want to run away? If I don't blow you to pieces, you will think that my armored vehicle is made of paper!"


This anger...

Everyone thought: "Sister Nan is too scary, you must not mess with her."

Rosen jumped down from the top of the tree, landed firmly on the front of the armored vehicle, opened the door, and took Si Nan out domineeringly for a careful inspection: "Let me see where you were injured just now?"

"Fortunately, they were all skin injuries, but my ears were very painful from the explosion and I was temporarily deafened. Otherwise, I would have killed them long ago."

Rosen quickly checked her ears, which were still bleeding. A princess picked up Si Nan and ran quickly to the back door.

This also surprised everyone. Is Brother Sen a human? Brother Sen is not a human at all!

Which ordinary person can jump from the ground to a high wall and then fly to the top of a big tree?

"What the hell is going on? This girl's boyfriend is not simple." Jian Bing pointed at the running Rosen and asked Song Yuan and Bai Zichuan.

"We don't know either. We just met for the first time. We have never seen each other before." Song Yuan and Bai Zichuan shook their heads violently. They were no less surprised than Jian Bing. Oh my god, I can't believe it. What is happening to Brother Sen? What's going on?

They all know that Brother Sen is very powerful and has extraordinary skills, but they never thought that he would be so powerful. He is not an ordinary person at all, he is too monster, unreasonable, and a monster beyond imagination!

Inside the house, Guan Xiaowen was treating the wounds of his younger brother Xiaoning. Ma Bufan and Guan Xiaoning were seriously injured by the explosion. Fortunately, they all had skin injuries, including their arms and legs.

Ma Bufan was furious, and he still hasn't calmed down yet. He cursed, "Those bitches almost ruined my handsome face. Fortunately, I covered my face with my arm when it exploded, otherwise I would be really shameless." Yeah, ahhhh..."

"Okay, Xiaofan, you are much stronger than me. My pants were blown off and I'm still naked now. I wiped a handful of blood on my hands just now and it's hard to go to the toilet."

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