Not really into men...

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"Well, really!" Frank began, disapproval evident in her s tone, as he held the ladder of the tank, with his other fist on his hip. "That's no way to behave in your first day out!" Frank scolded, while Rocky placed his chin on the handle of the ladder in defeat, while Frank looked up at him with sympathy, looking down at Rocky's thigh, placing his hands on his thigh, as he looked back up at Rocky.

"But, um, since you're such.. an exceptional beauty..." He smiled up at rocky, clutching his thigh, "I'm prepared to forgive you." Frank shrugged with a smirk, as Rocky grinned and began hitting the bars of the tank in excitement like a child, while Frank scrunched his nose up, grinning.

I stepped back and watched as Magenta and Donita removed their aprons, walking over, along with Columbia, Riff Raff and Aura, next to where Frank was now standing. "I just love success!" Frank beamed in triumph.

"He's a credit to your genius, master." Riff Raff complimented, sucking up to his master, while Frank agreed. "A triumph of your will!" Magenta added, grinning, while Frank once again agreed, sucking up the compliments "Your best work yet!" Aura complimented, not looking like she really cared too much, but Frank still giggled at her compliment anyhow.

"He's alright.."
"He's okay.."
Both, Donita and Columbia shrugged in unison. Everything went silent. Smiles had faltered, and Magenta looked down at her red nails, not daring to say anything, while Riff Raff and Aura just looked at the two girls in disapproval, and Frank looked at them, offended and angry.

"Alright?" He asked, his eyes flickering between Columbia and Donita, who both now looked a bit nervous. "Okay?!" Frank yelled, hitting his pink glove on the tank out of anger, causing a loud bang, making Columbia and Donita shoot up straight out of fear.

Frank glared at them both, as he walked around to Rocky, holding out his hand for Rocky to take, "I think we can do better than that!" Frank furrowed his brows in anger, as Rocky took Franks hand and got down from the tank. "Come on!" He ushered Rocky, as he stomped over in my direction. Shit..

They both stood in front of me, and I just sighed quietly, waiting for his question, while Frank put his arm around Rocky's shoulders proudly, with his other hand on his hip. "Now, Vanessa.. what do you think of him?" Frank asked me, putting me on the spot, as he looked at Rocky with pride then back at me, waiting for a response. One I didn't know how to give...

"Well.." I began, I didn't know what to say. Sure, he was attractive, I guess. I didn't wanna be rude and piss off Frank, but I didn't wanna kiss his ass and make him all smug.

"I don't really like men..." I couldn't think of what to say after that, and as the wheels whirled round in my head, I heard a sort of scoff-like chuckle, "uh, with too many muscles..!" I finished and pursed my lips, looking down, my eyes flickering over to see Magenta smirking.

I looked away from her and looked to Frank, who looked unimpressed with my answer. He removed his arm from a disappointed Rocky and glared at me.
"I didn't make him... for you!" He raised his voice, his face closer to mine, making me sort of flinch, while the crowd laughed, and Frank just grabbed Rocky by the wrist.

"He carried the Charles Atlas seal of approval!" Frank argued and I rolled my eyes, as the crowd applauded for him and Frank dragged Rocky over to something that was again covered by a red blanket.

Frank swiftly removed the red blanket, revealing a stack of red and white- candy cane patterned- dumbbells, and smirked, as Rocky just looked at them then smiled up at Frank, who leaned on the stack.

"A weakling... weighing 98 pounds will get sand in his face.." Frank began singing, and I just sighed, dropping my shoulders. "When kicked!" Frank kicked up his leg behind him and I rolled my eyes, "to the ground.." Rocky just nervously chuckled, "and soon in the gym with a determined chin.." Frank caressed Rocky's chin, while Rocky curiously walked towards the dumbbells, and began unwrapping the red ribbon that was tied to them.

"The sweat from his pores.." Rocky held a card which read something I couldn't read from where I was standing, "as he works for his ca-au-au-ause..." Frank nearly toppled over, as he held two small dumbbells, carrying them over to Rocky, handing them to him.

"Will make him glisten.. and gleam." Rocky examined the small dumbbells in his hands that were still wrapped in plastic packaging, as Frank continued singing. "And with massage, and just a little bit of..." Frank placed his glove-clad index finger between the line of Rocky's abs, "stea-he-he-he-ea-eam..." His voice got deeper as his ran his finger from the top of his chest down to where the top of his underwear was, as he giddily chuckled, kicking his foot up, before standing up straight.

"He'll be pink! And quite clean! He'll be a... strong man!" Frank walked away from rocky, gesturing with his arms as if he was lifting weights, walking over to grab the elevator.

"Oh honey! But the wrong ma-an!" The crowd sang along with him, as he grabbed another large object covered in another red blanket. "He'll eat nutritious high protein.." he walked out with the heavy object, looking over at Rocky with a smirk, "and swallow raw eggs.." I scrunched my nose up at the thought, almost gagging.

Frank removed the blanket, practically throwing it on Donita, as it was a pommel horse underneath the blanket, where Rocky ran up to sit between the poles, his hands gripping them.

"Try to build up his shoulders, his chest, arms and.. legs.." Frank sang, as he stared right at Rocky's legs. "Such an effort! If he only knew of my plan!" Frank grinned mischievously, while Columbia and Donita tried to oil up Rocky's chest, Donita looking a bit annoyed and flickering her gaze over to Frank, while Columbia was just grinning.

"In just seven days!" Frank turned to the crowd, spreading his arms open, "I can make you.. a ma-a-a-a-an!" He pumped his fists, bringing them into his chest, before spreading his arms out again.

"He'll do press-ups and chin-ups.." Frank listed on, as Rocky dropped from the pommel horse and started doing press ups, while all I done was just observe. I walked over to where Magenta, Riff Raff and Aura were standing, who were quietly conversing, while trying not to catch the attention of Frank, who was winking at Donita, who grinned, before he done the same to Columbia, who waved her fingers, making Donita appear annoyed.

Magenta stopped talking when she seen me approaching and instead just smirked at me with her hand on her hip, showing off her red nails. "Surprised you haven't ran away yet." Aura half-joked, her arms crossed, while I looked at her and chuckled slightly, my eyes flickering over to Magenta then back to Aura.

"Feel like I can't leave.. he'll just pull me back, tie me up and force me to watch him sing." I joked, tucking a piece of fallen hair behind my ear.
"I wouldn't put it past him." Riff Raff added, looking at me with a small smirk that disappeared shortly after he finished speaking.

"That's for sure." Magenta smirked, looking me up and down and I just smiled, looking back at Frank, furrowing me brows, while the four of us just watched him.

"Do the snatch, clean and jerk," he sang, as he hopped up onto the pommel horse, observing Rocky, who was flaunting his body, with his arms spread up and out, making me scoff and roll my eyes.

"He think dynamic tension.." He leaned back on the pommel horse, arching his neck, "must be hard work. Such strenuous living.." Frank began jumping back and forth on the pommel horse, shaking his curly head, "I just don't understand! When in just seven days!" He hopped off and walked over to Rocky who was moving his hips with his arms still up, and Columbia and Donita made their way over to us.

"Aw, didn't pay you any attention?" Magenta teased, while Aura made a fake pouty face, as Columbia just let out a high pitched 'hmph!' and Donita rolled her eyes, flipping them off, prompting me to chuckle slightly, and Magenta to grin at me, forcing me to look away and blush.

"Oh, baby.." Frank moved the pommel horse out of the way, walking over to Rocky. "I can make you.. a ma-a-a-a-an..." He grabbed Rocky by the waist and brought him towards himself, over to the large red garage door with a red button next to it, labelled 'DEEP FREEZE'.

Frank giggled and leaned his head back, before the deep freeze button started beeping and flashing red, and the red door to start opening, as Frank widened his eyes and dragged Rocky away. "Wha- UGH!" Frank yelled, getting away so he wasn't crushed.

Magenta just stood with her hand on her hip, looking bored but with a faint smirk tugging her lips, Riff Raff and Aura just stared at Columbia, looking irritated and tired, while Donita lit a cigarette and rolled her eyes when we heard Columbia gasp. I looked over to see her grinning, before she stuck out her arms and gushed: "Eddie!!"

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