The Rise Of The King

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Need To know
1.)I own nothing except the Oc's
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"
"all you have to do" said Mizuki "is brake into the Hokage's tower and take the scroll simple as that no more no less" said Mizuki he was standing above Naruto Uzumaki on a rooftop in Konoha the village hidden in the leaves in fire country one of the five great villages and as some would say the most powerful Naruto however was the pariah for what he held inside of him you see about twelve years ago the village was attack by the kyubbi a great fox demon of tremendous power he was unstop able the only way to stop it was to seal it within a person more specific a human baby and that baby was Naruto as Naruto grew up the village was nothing but hostile to him they formed mobs beat him up and store owners kicked him out of there stores and when they did let him in they gave him over priced food that was rotten or close to it the hokage the leader of the village tried to help him where he could but due to a council in the village and his duties it was relatively slim if he got there in time to stop a mob beating

at the age of elven though he gave Naruto a apartment of his own he grew up sorta safe from people until he entered the ninja academy after that the mob attacks stopped but he always got the hateful glare or he could hear the hate full words from the random person now kidnap this would of broken a normal person hell probably would of drove them to suicide and insanity but not Naruto Naruto kept a smile on his face and a happy glamour but life wasn't safe there for you see people (namely Mizuki though Naruto didn't know this) still messed with Naruto's education by giving him harder tests then normal to brake him so that's how he got here he failed his test to become a ninja but now he was here because his sensai Mizuki was offering him a different way "if that's it then this will be a easy mission Mizuki-sensai"said Naruto as he jumped up full of energy thanks to his roommate Mizuki smiled it was easy first he'd get Naruto to steal the sacred scroll then he'd kill Naruto and put evidence there and make it where Naruto performed a Jutsue that somehow backfired and ended up killing him and destroying the scroll then he'd slip away into the night and give the scroll to Orochimaru his true master after that well the sky's the limit from there

Night near the Hokage's tower

Naruto stealthly jumped through a open window and disabled a alarm as he was creeping through the tower he stopped in front of the hokage vault and smiled a childish smile like he just got away with something as he opened the vault he was about to go in and get it Mizuki said it was the big one with green lining on its side "ahem what are you doing in there" said the voice of none other the hokage or jiji as Naruto called him cause well he was basically a grandfather to Naruto Naruto turned around fast and used his own made up Jutsue the Oiroke no Jutsu in a poof of smoke Naruto transformed into a naked girl version of him self with only small whisps of smoke covering her breasts and vagina she smiled a cute smile as she looked at Sarutobi she smiled and blew him a kiss causing him to get a geyser nosebleed blowing him back onto the floor with a perverted smile on his face Naruto smiled and transformed back into his self grab the sacred scroll and hopped away out of the window

Some where out side of konoha
Naruto was sitting down smiling like a maniac he had done it he had taken the scroll now all he had to do was learn a technique from the scroll then Naruto started thinking why learn just one maybe if he learn another maybe he'd get extra point as he opened the scroll Naruto was surprised at the sheer amount of Jutsu's and techniques in the scroll but he had followed Mizuki's orders but one more Jutsue couldn't hurt

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