Kings Reign

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Need To know
1.)I own nothing except the Oc's
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"

Rice Country Daimyo Palace

Orrochimaru smiled as he sat in a purple chair with his fingers interlocked in front of his face. behind him smoke and fire blazed in the Daimyo fortress or better yet  his fortress as he leaned back in his chair  the sound five came in "report" said orrochimaru with a cold and calculating voice "the fortress is taken and the outlaying settlements are being taken over the largest of them are as you ordered are having its villagers have a loyalty seal and are being directed towards here." said Kimimaro the leader of the sound five "good leave me" said orrochimaru the sound five nodded. and left

orrochimaru got up and and went to the room he looked out to see most of the fortress on fire and to see samurai being rounded up by his ninja and having the loyalty seal being placed on them samurai were people born with little to no chakra so they couldn't fight his seal he looked across the fortress/old battlefield to see injured being treated he even saw dead ninja and samurai being dragged to a large pit of fire and being thrown in this rice country  was his all his he smiled as the sounds of battle still sounded in his ears he smiled he loved the sound of battle war was what he liked what he craved he blamed it on his thirst for immortality through out his years he had fought countless times and had fought countless people soon the sound of countless battles were ringing in his ears "hmmmm sound country" he thought  he liked the name it had a nice ring to it "kabuto should be back any minute i better go down and get order down there" he said as he left this was just the beginning soon konoha would burn then the elemental nations

Naruto's mind

it was dark as a starless night and cold surprisingly cold actually since it was the middle of June it should of been warm Naruto opened his eyes to nothing but darkness as he breathed out it came out as a icy vapor "cold why's it so cold" he thought all basic things in his mind were gone he wasn't hunger or sleepy just cold as Naruto moved his eyes around he noticed he was in a confined small space and he was alone he also noticed that he couldn't move only think "dark its so dark wheres the light" he thought he tried to stretch his hand out but couldn't then he noticed it the light it was a small light barely noticeably but still there it was on his left side as he tried to turn his head he expected that he couldn't but he was surprised it actually turned as he stared at the light its small warmth washed over his face like a cool rag on his face he stretched his left arm out towards the light and was surprised to find what felt like a door in front of him as he pushed it felt pain in the back of his head "Space....."said a loud voice Naruto gripped his head "Space......" said the voice over just then the door burst open Naruto looked up ignorant of the pain in his head what he saw amazed him he saw

a landscape a far one it was covered in what he thought where crystals and in the middle of it was a dark figure he looked up to see a sky filled with endless stars yellow lightning laced across the sky the dark figure turned towards him and unleashed a giant roar the lightning barely illuminated but what he saw was Godzilla or so he thought this Godzilla was blue and had large diamond like structures on its shoulders Naruto gripped his head as the creature continued to roar "space....." said the voice again Naruto screamed as the creature continued to roar yellow lightning laced from the creature to Naruto and surged inside of him and swirled around him Naruto opened his eyes and feel to his knees as the pain increased his eyes turned bright yellow  he looked up to see the creature still roaring he screamed loudly

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