The Begining

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Need To know
1.)I own nothing except the armies
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"

Rice Country outskirts

the wind blew quietly and lowly across a small plain with a lonely hill top there was the smell of rice and water in the air it was almost peaceful the sky was clear as small puffs of clouds rolled across the sky the moon shined like a beacon in the sky with stars dotting the sky it was peaceful except for a tall pale man with purple markings and yellow snake like eyes and long black hair he was wearing a grey battle kimono with a large purple rope tied around his waist beside him stood a young teenage boy with white hair tied in a ponytail he wore a purple no sleeved shirt on top of a white tee shirt with purple long legged pants with a kunia pouch on his left leg he had blue ninja shoes on behind them were hundreds of soldiers all dressed the same uniform witch was a grey battle kimono a black and grey camouflaged scarf with a tan belt wrappings across there waist they also had black bandannas that covered there whole heads and black mask that covered there mouths and nose

the pale man smiled a sickly insane smile "awww the smell of rice is on the air can you smell it kabuto" the white haired teenage boy "yes lord orrochimaru it is a pleasant smell if i do say so myself" Orrochimaru laughed at kabuto "awww but alas this smell can not last oh no kukukuku" as both kabuto and orrochimaru laughed a man dressed in anbu armor but had a snake mask appeared before the pale skinned snake sannin he gave him a scrap of paper and fell in beside him as orrochimaru opened the folded scrap of paper and read it he grew angry more so then usual "Damn it" he cursed kabuto pushed his glasses up on his nose then looked at his master "whats wrong lord orrochimaru" Orrochimaru snarled "that idiot mizuki has failed to get me forbidden scroll and it seems that the kyubbi brat has gained a new unknown transformation ability that allows him to change on the battle field damnit with out the scroll my curse mark experiments have to stop only the scroll contains madaras last know blood sample only that can stabilize the curse mark" as orrochimaru sighed he snarled as all of his plans seemed to go up in smoke then he took on as thoughtful look

as kabuto looked at him he smiled he knew when orrochimaru was thinking something sinister he had been with the man to long to not know when the man had something on his mind as he looked back he thought back to how they first meet he was an orphan with little to nothing except a white shirt black shorts and a pair of glasses given to him by a nun he even remembered all of his experiments with the sannian especially the curse mark experiment at first it was an experiment built around trying to control an enemy soldier then orrochimaru found out that he could not only control the soldiers but also give them a boost of powerful potent chakra that unless given daily doses of the chakra by orrochimaru would eventually kill them with every use of it but it soon came down to where orrochimaru could implant a piece of his own soul a piece only and a small one at that into the enemy solider making him a pawn for orrochimaru

as orrochimaru stared at the letter he snarled with out that blood sample his revenge on Konoha will fail he needed a way to get both the blood sample and a way to hurt Konoha at the same time his original plan was to trick suna into attacking Konoha with him during the Chunin exams after he had the blood sample but now that plan was in the garbage with out the blood his sound five will keep needing his chakra weakening him and then there's the kyubbi brat as he looked at the letter again he grew angry even more there was no way of knowing what the brat could turn in to he need a plan that would reveal what the kyubbi brat could do hurt Konoha and get him that blood but what as he thought his eyes traveled tell they landed on a small lizard in the grass in was laying there peacefully as it laid there a small dragonfly landed on its back the lizard went about laying down ignoring the dragonfly Orrochimaru stared at the two until his eyes widened up in surprise

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