9: Day 13

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Skylar's POV June 27 (3 Days left) {A/N: here you go, you stupid butt}

Michael and I were practically married. We were sixteen and going on seventeen (Skylar: Great way to start this). Michael cared so much for me and I made sure to return the favors. The one thing I don't know if I'm ready for, is when the three words are spoken. I'm don't know if I'm ready. I don't know if I'll ever be ready. But as I was stuck in my little head, people were discussing this that I was blocking out so I could focus on my own thoughts during lunchtime.

As I was daydreaming about Tyler Posey and Dylan O'Brien, I heard snapping and I saw a hand waving over my face.

"Skylar? Skylar??" Michael asked in his soft voice.

"W-what?" I replied, dazed slightly.

"Were you thinking about me shirtless?" He asked, smiling sort of.

"Even better. Tyler Posey and Dylan O'Brien."

Michael pouted.

"I hate you."

"No, not really."

"Yes, really."



"You're stupid."

"You're gorgeous."

"I'm a dork."

"You're my dork."

I slapped his arm.

"Shut up, I'm not, like, some piece pizza."

"If you were, you'd be the piping hot one that everyone tries to take," Michael smirked.

"Now, I hate you," I told him, blushing.

"Well, I love you," he said smiling before realizing what he said.


My eyes widened as well. No no no no no n o N O NO! I couldn't believe he pulled the 'I love you' card and we were only sixteen like what?! No warning just BING BANG BOOM BAM! He started stuttering on his words as he tried apologizing and turning red. I guess he wasn't ready either.

"I--I'm-m-- just s-so s-sorry u-uh, I-I j-just- it just c-came out!" He rambled and slapped his forehead before muttering, "I'm so stupid."

"N-no, Michael! You're, you're not stupid. You're adorable and sweet. I'm just...not so sure I was ready for that."

"I'm really sorry, Skylar. Truly, I am. I-I'll just go."

He got up and grabbed his tray. I tried persuading him to stay, but he insisted he should go. I didn't want him to. I saw him leave the lunch cabin angrily and once he reached outside, I could see through the window that he started punching and slapping himself as his mouth formed the words "stupid stupid stupid!"

I felt awful. I got up and went after him, leaving everyone to wonder what in God's name was I doing. Before I reached the door, Michael was already sprinting to the guys cabin.

I let out a defeated sigh and turned back to the lunch cabin, pouting the rest of the time.

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