III - The Klein Bottle Is a Flask

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[Nicholas's P.O.V.]

- Kyrios Robson, alias "Deimos": his power consists in releasing an indeterminate quantity of a fear-inducing fog. On the other hand, his twin brother, Galen Robson, alias "Toxo", infuses calm and tranquility in nearby individuals, including himself. When Toxo uses his ability on Deimos, the latter becomes almost unstoppable. Deimos revolves around his brother like a satellite, funnily enough. -
Stella was typing the newly gained information in the RAAC.
Typing on a keyboard using only one hand was quite inconvenient for her, but she couldn't do otherwise because, well, her other hand was the keyboard.
- The entirety of the Family siblings took part in the mission, except for Duo CAT-LOAF, comprised by BAKER and TABBY and specialized in rescues. We used fear to defeat fear and the mission was successful, with only one casualty, and the target's memory has been cleared of most of the encounter. Civilians only saw the fog and heard eight gunshots. -
Stella wiped the sweat from her forehead with her other hand.
- It's gonna be difficult for you to look at your classmate the same way, huh? - I interrupted her work. - I wish I was there as BAKER. -
- I bet TABBY doesn't feel the same way. -

- Did you sleep tonight? -
- No - said Jean.
- But I told you to! -
- That's not how it works, Nick. I was scared to death last night. I live next to the school and the fog got in my house! -
- Uh... what fog? - I lied.
- The green fog! Do you live under a rock? -
- No, just pretty far from school. -
- This kid in the senior year used his power to spread some kind of fog, but he doesn't remember. He refuses to talk or explain. -
In that moment, I was the one scared to death.
- Who told you this? -
- His twin brother. -
- Damn! I mean... did he tell you anything else? -
Jean shook her head, and I sighed relieved.
- Well, looks like Mr. Cubi is late today - I tried to change the subject.
The teacher only arrived at 8:15 that day, and I was willing to bet that it was the fog's fault again.
- Sorry guys, had to wash my car today. -
- Again? C'mon, professor Cubi, is that car really more important than your beloved students? -
- Who spoke? -
Someone raised their bandaged hand, and I immediately understood who it was.
- Mr. Klein, apologize immediately! -
- Should I apologize to you, or apologize to your car? -

"Keep an eye on Randolph Klein", Stella had told me the day before, but it was Randolph who was keeping an eye on me. Every step I took, I could turn around and catch him threading on my heels, but I decided to do nothing about it.
The bathroom floor was now clean, clear from blood splatters from yesterday's shooting or anything.
But even when I went there to fix my hair - despite knowing that this was his lair, I was tired of him not leaving me alone.
- What do you want, Randolph? -
- I know the truth about you. -
I froze. - What kind of truth? -
He showed me his hands.
- It wasn't Jean's fire breath that burned me, but something different. -
- Oh, damn. -
- Two gifted kids were more than enough here. -
- Two? I only know Jean... -
- Eris Connor. -
- The one that shouldn't be touched? -
- Exactly. Why shouldn't she be touched otherwise? -
- Jokes aside, what makes you think I did it and Jean didn't? -
- The burn pattern. My palms got burned, not my whole hands. It was a scorching surface. -
- Oh... -
- And I also heard you talking to Jean about your body temperature of 242 degrees! -
- I was joking! -
I ran in the bathroom, but he grabbed me, then opened a faucet and filled his flask with at least one centilitre of ice cold water.
- What are you doing with that, Randolph? -
He pinned me against the wall and poured the water on the back of my head; it got on my neck and hair.
Other than the sound of something frying, a faint beeping could be heard from the Heater suit.
- What is this? Your ringtone? -
- Yes -
Randolph was completely unaware, but I was in agonizing pain. I rushed into one of the bathroom stalls, locked him out and dried myself out; the stain was easily going away, the water on my hair evaporating.
I looked through the gap between the door and the floor to check when Randolph's feet got far enough, then I slammed the door open and ran out as fast as I could. Outside the building, I turned my SCD on. - Stella, I'm Nick, can you bring me home now? -

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