chapter 5-from a whisper to a scream

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As I head into the lecture class my heart skipped a beat when I saw Alex already seated in his usual spot .

"How did he get here so early ,I mean we're not all early birds.but they do say the early bird catches the worm."

I hesitated for a moment, wondering whether or not to approach him .I mean ,how could I face him after what happened at the cafe.

But before I could make up my mind ,Alex looked up and noticed me standing at the entrance .

He flashed me a warm smile and gestured for me to come over .I gulped nervously as i made my way over to him,my heart pounding in my chest .

"Hey Nora",I've been meaning to talk to you Alex says ,his tone sounding concerned ."you've been avoiding me lately,is everything okay?"

I felt a lump form in my throat as I tried to come up with a truthful response.My mind was a jumbled mess ,filled with guilt and embarrassment.

How could I possibly explain my sudden avoidance without confessing the truth.

But before I could utter a word , Alex's expression softened as he suddenly remembered the incident at the cafe.

"Oh",he said,a faint smile playing an awkward moment "when we accidentally kissed,right?".

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment as I nodded sheepishly."Y-yeah that exactly it",I mumbled unable to meet his gaze .

Alex chuckled ,his laughter infectious."well,I guess that explains why you've been avoiding me don't worry,it was just a silly mistake".

He reached out and gently squeezed my hand ,his touch sending shrivers down my spine.

Why was he suddenly holding me hand ?,did it mean something special?was it his first too?all these questions started flooded in my mind.

I couldn't help but laugh doing with him ,the tension between us dissipating with each passing moment.

"Yeah ,I guess it was a pretty unforgettable first kiss" ,I joked feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.

Alex grinned ,his eyes sparkling with mischief,"well who knows ? maybe we'll have to practice Abit more to get it right next time "

"What , practice?",
"Ha-ha I see you got jokes"
He winked playfully making my heart flutter with excitement.

As we shared a moment of laughter and joy I knew that this unexpected encounter with Alex  will turn out to be the best mistake of my life.

Who knew that a simple kiss at a cafe could lead to something so much more ?.As I walked out of the lecture class ,Alex suddenly turned to me with a nervous yet determined look in his eyes.

"Nora Uhm , there's something I've been wanting to ask you",he said with his voice filled with a hint of excitement .

My heart skipped a beat as I tried to anticipate what he was going to say .

could it be about the kids at the cafe or something entirely different?.

I felt curious and nervous wondering what he wants to say to me.

Alex cleared his throat and took a deep breath before speaking again.

Ahem! "Would you ...would you be willing to go for a walk with me in the park tonight?, there's something I wanna talk to you about "

His words hung in the air ,filling the silence with anticipation,I nodded with my heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Sure I'd love to ",I replied trying to hide the butterflies in my stomach.

As we strolled through the park that evening,the air crisp and cool around us ,I couldn't help but notice how our hands slightly brushing against each other with each step we took.

It felt as if there was an electric current running between us ,sparking a sense of anticipation in the air.

And then,without warning Alex stopped in his tracks and turned to face me .

His gaze was intense ,filled with a mixture of emotions that I couldn't quite decipher."Nora,do you remember the first day we met by the hall?".

He began,a nostalgic smile playing on his lips .I furrowed my brow in confusion ,

trying to recall that moment but before I could respond,Alex continued ,his voice soft yet determined .

"I knew from the moment I saw you that day that you were someone special,there was something about you that I couldn't figure out ".

"Someone who bring joy and light into my life and then,to my utter shock and amazement,Alex bent down on one knee with his eyes locked with mine .

What was he doing ?
"Nora ,Uhm will you be my girlfriend?",he asked holding out a small velvet box containing a sparkling ring .I stood there, speechless and stunned.

Unable to process the thought of emotions that were running through me.

was this real?,was Alex really proposing to me ,after everything that happened ?

And as I looked into his eyes ,filled with with love and sincerity,an overwhelming joy washed over me .

I couldn't help but break into a smile,tears welling up in my eyes as I uttered a single word that would change our lives forever.

"Yes" ,I said as he put the ring on my finger ,I was overwhelmed with tears of joy as he hugged me so tight I could feel the warmth of his body against mine.

I couldn't believe it I was now Alex's girlfriend.
Nora Franklin!
I hoped this is was not one of those silly dreams I always have.

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