Chapter 9

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Guess who's back?! Yup! ME! After being MIA for like... 3 years. I've been super busy with school, and I just got a sudden urge to make a comeback. So HERE I AM! Hope you guys enjoy this shorter chapter. I am doing my best to update this story, and my other stories.


Dean warily approached the cell holding Joshua Peters, Sam and Y/n walking side by side behind the older Winchester. All other cells in the stations were empty, making the questionnaire easier as there were no eavesdroppers. Upon finding the suspect, Dean spoke Joshua's name, gaining his attention.

"What do you want?" Joshua grumbled, clearly not happy about the presence of his visitors. Joshua was sitting on his cot, hands folded, elbows on his knees. His gaze jumped from Dean, to Sam, then Y/n, and then back again to Dean.

"Care to explain why you murdered your girlfriend?" Dean snapped, which earned himself a disapproving look from his brother. Joshua audibly sighed before he responded.

"It wasn't me. I mean it might have been me, according to the police, but it wasn't me. I was at the bar, then I blacked out. Last thing I remember is being shoved in the police car, handcuffed and covered in blood, but I know I didn't do it. I don't remember doing it, and I had no reason to!" Dean sighed and placed his hands in his pockets. Sam finally spoke up, having a suspicion and wanting to test it.

"Joshua, when you were in the bar, before you blacked out, did you see any black smoke? Or smell anything like rotten eggs?" Sam asked. The two hunters and the Wonderland Native watched as the boy reacted, appearing, first, confused, then realization dawning on his features.

"Uh yeah. I think I remember it smelling kinda weird." Joshua replied. Sam and Dean shared a glance while Y/n stood off to the side, unaware of what the look meant. After having Holy Water tossed at him, Joshua spit out the water that got in his mouth and proceeded to ask his own question. "Why? What does that mean?" Both brothers remained silent as they exchanged glances, appearing to have their own mental conversation. Joshua asked his question again, louder.

"Joshua, you might have been possessed." Sam spoke, giving no other details. Joshua's jaw dropped

"W-what? Possessed? What kind of FBI are you?" Neither brother answered his question, giving Y/n an opportunity to speak up.

"Joshua, answer me this, how is a raven like a writing desk?" Y/n asked deviously.

"Uh what?" Seeing Joshua's confusion, and knowing would only confuse the boy more, Dean grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled her away. Sam and Dean thanked Joshua for his time and left the station with Y/n being dragged by Dean. The second the three of them were inside the impala, the female was ripping the shoes off her feet.

"So, a demon possessed Joshua while he was at the bar." Sam concluded while he buckled his seatbelt.

"Let's check out the bar." Dean said as he started the car. All three were silent until Sam finally chose to ask the female why she had asked the suspect such a question, and what the answer was.

"I haven't a clue what the answer is, which is why I asked him. I was purely curious." Y/n answered. Upon arriving at the bar, Y/n begrudgingly shoved her feet back in the boots she hated so much. Sam had the female follow him towards a group of employees while Dean questioned the bar's owner.

"We are Agents Collins and Lewis. What can you tell us about the night that Joshua Peters came to this bar?" Sam asked the first employee he approached. The employee was a woman who seemed to be in her thirties. The woman confidently told the hunter and his feline companion that she ended her shift just as Peters was getting his first drink at the bar, meaning she saw nothing. Sam thanked her and moved on to the next employee. While Sam was interviewing the next employee, Y/n stayed where she was standing next to the woman Sam had just finished talking to.

"Um, do you have more questions?" The employee asked Y/n, unsure of why she didn't follow Sam.

"Should I?" Y/n retorted.

"I- I don't know. I don't know anything else." The woman stuttered, becoming uneasy.

"Anything else? Wow, you must be very uneducated if all you know of are the events that lead to Bethany Williams's death. How have you gotten so far in life knowing so little?" The female grinned mischievously, causing the witness to step back in shock and quickly walk away.

Each person they interviewed proved to not be helpful in any way, that is, until Sam caught sight of one worker attempting to sneak out the back door of the bar.

"Hey!" Sam hollered, alerting the worker. The man quickly flung the door open and made a run for it. Sam began to chase the man, Dean hot on his heels. Y/n grinned smugly as she waltzed out the door. As soon as Y/n was out of the field of vision of the bystanders, she took her chance to teleport in front of the man making a run for it, catching him off guard as he ran into her.

"What the fuck!?" The man yelped, falling onto his ass. Dean and Sam skidded to a halt in front of Y/n and her 'hostage'. Sam let out a sigh as he pulled the man to his feet and guided him back into the bar. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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