Chapter 2

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A black, 1967 Chevrolet impala rolls down a small street in rural Ohio. Two brothers sit inside the vehicle. The older brother keeps his eyes on the road as he steers the car around potholes and the occasional roadkill.

The younger brother flips through the local newspaper, searching for any sign indicating their most recent case to be something unnatural. Neither of the men made any conversation as they were too engrossed in their thoughts. That is until the older brother let out a yelp as he slammed on the breaks of the vehicle.

"JESUS!" Dean yelled, trying his best to avoid hitting the animal that had run into the street.

"Dean!" Sam gasped, gripping the handle of the car door to resist the force throwing him forward. "What was that?!" Sam exclaimed, not understanding why his brother had almost killed him.

"Damn cat ran in the road!" Dean declared, still in the middle of his adrenaline high. Sam turned to look through the back window, just in time to see the figure of an orange cat sauntering to the street shoulder and sitting down. Sam sighed to himself, finally calming himself down from the panic.

The Winchester brothers traveled eleven more miles, making it to their destination in less than twenty minutes. With the Impala parked in front of a classic looking suburban house, Sam and Dean waltzed up to the home. Sam knocked on the door before taking a step back to wait to be greeted. As soon as the door opens, both Sam and Dean reach into their suits to retrieve their fake FBI badges and show it to the woman standing in the doorway.

"Hello. Ms. Morris?" Sam asks, making his voice sound as professional as possible.

"Uh, yes?" The woman questioned, quite confused.

"Agents Smith and Smith, no relation, we are with the FBI." Dean informed her, as though she hadn't gathered they were FBI after seeing their 'badges'. "We would like to ask you some questions about the death of your neighbor, Henry Clary."

"Oh, uh, yes. Come in." The woman stammered as she opened the door wider to welcome the men into her home. As soon as Sam and Dean were inside, she closed the door behind them and guided them to her living room.

"How well did you know Mr. Clary, Ms. Morris?" Dean asked the hostess.

"Um, we weren't very acquainted. And please, call me Jenna."

"Well, Jenna, tell me, what did you know about Mr. Clary?" Sam spoke up. It was silent for a few moments before she responded.

"I remember hearing that he moved here just after he divorced his wife. I also recall that his wife got full custody of their son. Henry has always kept to himself. He would never leave his house except for groceries or to go to work."

"Where did you hear that he was divorced?" Dean asked.

"Mrs. Barren, she lives right across the street. I've noticed that she tries really hard to make everyone else's business, her business." Jenna informed them of the town gossip.

"Great, thank you so much. And if you think of anything else that may be useful, don't hesitate to call." Sam handed Ms. Clary his FBI business card before he and his brother escorted themselves out of the house.

"You think Mrs. Gossip Girl will know anything?" Dean asked his brother.

"When do they not?" Sam retorted, making his brother chuckle as they crossed the street to ask Mrs. Barre some questions. Before Dean could knock on the front door, Sam tapped his brother with the back of his hand. Dean glanced back and followed Sam's gaze to an orange cat sitting on a rock in Mrs. Barren's yard.

"Isn't that the same cat you almost hit?" Sam spoke.

"What? No. That's impossible. A cat can't walk eleven miles in thirty minutes. It would take like three hours or something." As Dean was dismissing what Sam said, the taller brother watched the cat jump down from the rock and make its way to Ms. Morris's yard, the light from the sun shining on the feline's coat, making it almost appear pink in color. 

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